Pappardelle with wild boar ragĂą is a rich dish, perfect for special occasions. Here are all the secrets to prepare it in the best possible way....
Creamy and with an intense meat flavour, gravy sauce can never be missing on Thanksgiving day, together with turkey. There is no self-respecting Thanksgiving holiday without...
The lean cappon is a triumph of fish and vegetables seasoned with green sauce, a rich traditional Ligurian dish. Today we are preparing a recipe that...
Cavour-style roast veal is a truly delicious second course and suitable for any occasion, from the most convivial to the most important. Today we are going...
Gratin cauliflower is a delicious dish that will earn you applause from all your guests: here is the recipe with and without bechamel. Baked cauliflower au...
Perfect for spreading on bread or simply for filling biscuits, cakes and desserts of all kinds, here's how to prepare currant jam. If you also love...
Meat ragĂą is a traditional Bolognese sauce, delicious and perfect for seasoning many dishes. Here is the registered recipe! Do you know how to make a...
Ham and cheese crepes always please everyone and can even be prepared in advance. Here's the recipe! Tired of the same old baked pasta? From today,...
Moist beyond belief, persimmon and chocolate cake is perfect for breakfast or a snack. Here is our recipe. The arrival of autumn is marked by the...
How to make crepes: sweet or savory, the one of French origin is a tasty recipe for all palates. Ready for an amazing recipe? Today we...
Meat ragĂą is a traditional Bolognese sauce, delicious and perfect for seasoning many dishes. Here is the registered recipe! Do you know how to make a...
Are you looking for a fish main course that's easy and quick to prepare? Try our baked sea bass. Baked sea bass is a fairly quick...
Excellent single dish rich in healthy and genuine ingredients: legume couscous with chickpeas, lentils and broccoli. Legume couscous is a very simple single dish to prepare,...
Making orange marmalade isn't that difficult. Here are our tips for perfect flavor and texture. Orange marmalade is the winter preserve par excellence. Enclosing the flavor...
Ingredients and recipe for preparing rice and milk pudding with pomegranate seeds, a delicate dessert that you can serve for breakfast! Rice and milk pudding is...
Worcester sauce, also called Worcestershire sauce, is a product of English origin spread throughout the world; Let's find out how to prepare it! I believe that...
Barley and bean soup is a vegetarian and nutritious first course: the perfect comfort food for the coldest days. Barley and bean soup is a rustic...
The recipes of Piedmontese tomini are typical of the tradition of the Northern Italian region. Discover all the secrets of this dish now. Piedmontese tomini are...
Preparing marron glacé takes time but is not that difficult. Here are all the steps to prepare the glazed chestnuts. It's impossible not to know marron...
For vegans who don't want to give up an excellent filling for desserts, here is the recipe for lemon-scented vegan custard. Today we are preparing vegan...