We usually consume them in their savory version but in reality it is also possible to prepare an excellent sweet omelette. Let's see the recipe for...
The tart with persimmon jam is a perfect dessert for autumn. Here's how we prepare it with a slight variation on shortcrust pastry. The persimmon tart...
Are you vegan but don't want to give up soft and versatile crepes? Here's how to make vegan crĂŞpes, without eggs, milk and butter. It seems...
Few ingredients and long, delicate cooking will make your roast with chestnuts the undisputed king of Sunday lunch. Chestnuts are the queens of autumn, the ones...
Kitchen chairs are fundamental elements for completing the furnishings and improving the aesthetics and functionality of the domestic space. Choosing the right chairs can transform the...
How delicious are the chestnut flour muffins, the fragrant and genuine cakes, with all the autumn flavour. For a special autumn snack or a tasty breakfast,...
Pumpkin parmigiana is a perfect main dish for autumn. With raw pumpkin it is also very quick to prepare! Pumpkin parmigiana is the autumnal relative of...
Tasty and refined, pumpkin dumplings are a variation of the classic Trentino first course based on stale bread and speck. Do you want a first course...
Let's find out how Turkish pide is prepared in the two most famous variations: with meat (kiymali) and with cheese. For Italians, pizza is sacred but...
Let's find out how to prepare risotto alla Monzese, a typical dish from Brianza whose origin is shrouded in mystery. The Monza risotto can be seen...
The carrot ketchup recipe is perfect for those looking for a quick sauce to accompany meat, fish, vegetables or simply to spread on bread. Carrot ketchup...
Let's find out how to prepare peanut butter with the traditional recipe. Genuine and creamy, it is perfect for breakfast or as a snack. Homemade peanut...
Pumpkin and bacon risotto with Thermomix is ​​a creamy, rich and tasty first course, perfect to enjoy in autumn. How many times has the Thermomix saved...
Let's find out how to prepare carrot cream soup with the Thermomix and how to serve it with croutons or mixed seeds in just over 30...
The mushroom soup is inviting and fragrant, perfect to serve during autumn evenings and to enjoy a single dish with an inimitable flavour. If you want...
Jujube liqueur is simple to prepare at home and ideal to serve with coffee. Here is our recipe! Liqueurs and bitters can be prepared with many...
If you are looking for an autumn pesto, our radicchio-based version is the right recipe for you. Prepared raw, it is excellent for pasta and croutons....
Parmesan risotto with Thermomix is ​​a creamy and simple dish, ideal for those looking for a quick and tasty recipe for dinner. Parmesan rice is perhaps...
Sea bass baked in foil is an easy to prepare second fish dish, perfect for a family dinner. Today we are preparing a delicious baked sea...
Cystitis is, especially in women, a very frequent disorder. It is an inflammation of the bladder which, in some cases, can reach the urinary tract. This...