Desserts without eggs? Here are many easy and delicious recipes for quick and spectacular muffins, cakes, creams, tiramisu and crepes (even if you don't have eggs)....
How many times have you had muscle pain without understanding exactly why? In this article we will see together what the most common symptoms are in...
Here is the recipe for excellent sweet and sour (and non-sour) persimmons in oil, perfect as an appetizer for any occasion! Having jars containing these delicious...
Necci, ciacci or patolle are just some of the names by which this dessert made from chestnut flour and ricotta, typical of Tuscany, is known. Necci...
Preparing honey mushrooms in oil is really simple and you will have an excellent homemade preserve to serve as a side dish. Over the years, the...
Cauliflower soup is a quick and easy first course perfect for winter and also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. If you are among those ready to...
Here is lasagna Bolognese: the original recipe for the typical dish of the Emilian tradition! Lasagna Bolognese is one of the many baked first courses for...
Air fryer pumpkin fritters are a typical autumn product, a light but delicious second course. Let's prepare pumpkin pancakes cooked in the air fryer, for a...
This is how to prepare breaded fried mushrooms, a recipe with few ingredients but very rich in flavour, ideal as a side dish or appetizer. It...
Here's how to make a gluten-free custard with the Thermomix, in a short time and with few ingredients without any effort! We have decided to show...
Let's prepare the risotto with sausage and saffron, a creamy and very fragrant first course. Are you looking for a first course that is easy to...
Perfect for making scones or as a condiment for pasta, cuttlefish stuffed with sauce is a truly tasty Apulian recipe. There is a typical Apulian dish...
Preparing croutons with stale bread is really simple. Here are our tips for making them in the oven or in the pan (and more). Croutons are...
Let's shorten the time and prepare the chestnuts in a pressure cooker, even the dried ones. Here are our tips for cooking them well. Who doesn't...
Very crunchy and delicious: baked potato crush is easy to prepare and will leave everyone speechless. The potato crush is a savory cake without leavening, thin...
Crispy pan-fried chickpeas are a healthy snack and the addition you didn't know you wanted to a salad or soup yet. Chickpeas are among the most...
The secret to not getting seasonal ailments lies (also) in nutrition: the anti-cold risotto with spinach, almonds and turmeric is our ally! The anti-cold risotto with...
Delicious crunchy sheets of pasta, ideal as a snack or for an aperitif: here is the recipe for making crackers! Making crackers is really easier said...
Let's prepare a tasty savory pie with pumpkin and speck, a simple recipe but with a very particular flavour. Have you ever tried to prepare the...
Among the ideas for a quick and tasty second course is the recipe for carrettiera eggs, ready in just a few minutes. Among the cost-saving recipes...