The Tuscan castagnaccio is a very particular traditional dessert, made with chestnut flour, pine nuts, raisins and walnuts. Today we are going to Tuscany , a...
Here is the recipe for baked rice timbale, a wonderful dish that can be prepared with many delicious ingredients. Today we're talking about rice timbale, a...
The mushroom and sausage risotto is fragrant and with a strong flavour, ideal to prepare during the autumn period. Here's the recipe! First autumn dish par...
Particular green tagliatelle handmade with a dough based on flour, eggs and spinach. An excellent idea for a different dinner than usual! Today we offer you...
Palacinka of Hungarian origin is a dessert similar to crepes. Served with jam or chocolate they are truly amazing. Palacinka is a typical Hungarian dessert also...
Are you looking for an efficient solution for heating and cooling your home? Heat pumps are gaining more and more popularity, but you may be wondering:...
Versatile beyond belief and simple to prepare, air fryer courgette casserole is the perfect recipe for any occasion. Among the many recipes with courgettes , there...
Kurtos kalacs are also called sweet chimneys due to their particular shape. Let's find out everything about this Hungarian dessert. The term kurtos literally means fireplace...
Say goodbye to cans and find out how to make tuna in oil. Not only is it delicious, but it's also simple to prepare! Who would...
Fig jam tart is a delicious dessert as well as one of the best recipes to use this jam! Today we offer you the recipe for...
Chestnut bread has an intense aroma and a truly particular taste that goes well with both cheeses and soups. Here is the recipe. Chestnut bread belongs...
If you are looking for a different autumn first course than usual, try the pumpkin and gorgonzola risotto. You will be enchanted by the unique flavor!...
Mushrooms in oil are a delicious preserve, perfect to use for tasty recipes but also to enjoy as an appetizer. Mushrooms in oil are delicious and...
Let's find out how to prepare crĂŞpes with chestnut flour, excellent for filling both sweet and savory. Today we offer you the recipe for preparing crepes...
Very simple to prepare, mushroom and sausage lasagna is perfect for a Sunday with the family, especially if you add provola. Is there a Sunday without...
Pumpkin gratin is an easy recipe that can be cooked on any occasion to give a little color and flavor to our table. Baked pumpkin au...
Custard is a classic when it comes to filled desserts. Here is the original recipe (with a bit of history) and the most famous variations. Custard...
Whether with jam or cream, the gluten-free tart will delight anyone who is lucky enough to taste it! Who doesn't like tart? It is undoubtedly one...
Incredibly good and simple to prepare, fried chicken wings will be your comfort food par excellence. Serve them with chips to pamper your family! The well-known...
Chestnut cake is a soft and delicious dessert, good to enjoy both for breakfast and at the end of a meal, perhaps with a dollop of...