Just a few ingredients to prepare pumpkin and ricotta meatballs, a genuine and light second course. Pumpkin and ricotta meatballs are a very simple recipe to...
Custard is perfect for filling desserts of all kinds: let's see together how to prepare it with the Thermomix! The custard recipe with the Thermomix is...
Among the typical Greek dishes, pita gyros stands out, a sort of kebab sandwich made with pork enriched with salad, vegetables and tzatziki sauce. Pita gyros,...
Crumbled potatoes are a savory pie filled with ham and cheese, easy to make and perfect for any occasion. Today we are preparing a fantastic crumbled...
Have you ever made homemade broccoli pesto? It is a light recipe, truly delicious. Excellent for seasoning pasta. Autumn is knocking on the doors and broccoli...
Buttermilk, also known as buttermilk, is a widely used ingredient in Anglo-Saxon recipes. Let's see how it prepares. Buttermilk, which Americans call buttermilk, is one of...
Quick and simple, here's how to prepare the mushroom sauce recipe: perfect for seasoning fresh pasta. With the arrival of autumn it is impossible to resist...
Paris Brest is a French dessert consisting of a choux pastry base filled with mousseline cream. Let's discover the original recipe together. Circular in shape, to...
Homemade energy bars are a healthy and tasty food, also perfect for a snack outside the home. Energy bars are a perfect idea for those who...
The yellow of this precious spice combined with the autumnal ingredient par excellence give life to the delicious mushroom and saffron risotto. A precious spice with...
Pan-fried potato crush is a dish full of flavor and deliciousness, really simple to prepare. Do you love the taste of cold cuts, the melty cheese...
What is pizza kissed and how is it prepared, the preparation and cooking method so loved by Gabriele Bonci. More than a real recipe, pizza kissed...
We prepare the delicious sweet and sour pumpkin cooked in an air fryer, seasoned with only genuine and tasty ingredients. We have tasted it in many...
Fregnacce are a type of pasta similar to cannelloni typical of central Italy. Let's see all the steps to prepare them and what they get their...
The parmesan risotto is delicious: proof that a few ingredients are more than enough for an extraordinary dish. Parmesan risotto is the answer to how good...
It's impossible to resist the combination of flavors and textures we achieved in this fig and walnut tart. Figs , with their sweetness, are good on...
Quick and easy to prepare, pumpkin risotto with the Thermomix is ​​excellent for a family lunch. Here is our recipe! Bringing a first course to the...
Preparing fresh pasta is quite simple: with fresh eggs and good quality flour you're done. Here's how to make egg noodles. Tagliatelle are a typical pasta...
Ingredients and recipe to prepare an original first course: pumpkin and clam risotto is tasty and perfect for a family lunch or dinner! This pumpkin and...
How to prepare dry biscuits at home? The recipe for a healthy snack or a quick snack to munch on. Dry biscuits are those sweets always...