Panadì de Sant’Antone, St. Anthony’s pancakes

Typical of Brescian cuisine, the pancakes of Sant'Antonio, or panadì de Sant'Antone, are prepared on the occasion of the saint's feast.
Today we are going to discover a typical dish of the Brescian tradition , the panadì de Sant'Antone, that is, the sandwiches of Sant'Antonio which, to the detriment of the name, are pancakes rather than sandwiches. The dough, unlike other similar preparations, is rather firm and resembles that of fresh pasta.
In the Brescia area, but also in other areas of Lombardy and in some of Sardinia, St. Anthony's pancakes are prepared on the occasion of the saint's feast day, January 17th . Tradition then dictates that on the night between the 16th and 17th a large propitiatory bonfire is set up. If you are curious to discover all the details of this custom we invite you to read the history of the recipe below. Now it's time to get to the stove.
Panadì de Sant'Antone – St. Anthony's pancakes
Combine the flour , sugar and yeast in a bowl and give a quick mix.
Make a well in the center and crack the eggs . Start mixing and, as soon as the mixture takes consistency, add the grappa (or rum). The amount of liquor may vary depending on the size of the eggs. The important thing is to obtain a firm dough, like egg pasta, and not sticky.
Remove portions of the dough and work them with your hands until you obtain loaves about one inch wide. Then cut them into pieces of approximately 1.5 cm and work them with your hands to obtain balls.
Heat the vegetable oil to 160°C and fry the pancakes a few at a time until they are golden brown. Drain them with a slotted spoon, pass them on absorbent paper and serve, decorating with a sprinkling of icing sugar .
These pancakes are also prepared during Carnival, just like the Venetian ones with raisins and the delicious pancakes filled with cream .
Although it would be best to enjoy the freshly made St. Anthony's pancakes, you can store them in a paper bag for 1-2 days. However, keep in mind that they will lose their soft part.
Origin and history
We have already talked about how this dish is linked to the feast of the Saint who, in the Brescian tradition, plays a particular role. The preparation of the sandwiches and the creation of a large bonfire of straw and wood, whose height must have reached at least 6 metres, are part of the propitiatory rites of the countryside .
On the night between 16 and 17 February , immediately after preparing and enjoying the pancakes, people gathered around the fire, praying in a year of abundant harvest. The women burned the olive branches consecrated from the previous year, while the men scattered the remaining ashes to ward off storms.
A proverb is also associated with the Saint: Sant'Antone dè zenér Sant'Antone Fritolér – S. Antonio di January, S.Antonio frittellaio. Today, these pancakes are also made to celebrate the start of Carnival.
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