
Pappardelle with wild boar

Pappardelle with wild boar ragù is a rich dish, perfect for special occasions. Here are all the secrets to prepare it in the best possible way.

Pappardelle with wild boar ragù is a typical dish of the cuisine of the Tuscan Maremma and, more generally, of central Italy. This sauce, tasty and with a wild aftertaste , goes well with egg pasta in all its forms. We opted for pappardelle whose larger format compared to tagliatella is well suited to collecting the sauce.

Our advice is to prepare homemade pappardelle so as to be sure of obtaining a rough and porous pastry but bought ones, fresh or dried, will also be fine. In fact, the most important aspect is the cooking of the ragù which must be slow and long . Let's see all the steps to make this delicious first course.

Wild boar ragout

How to prepare the recipe for pappardelle with wild boar ragout

  1. First prepare the wild boar ragù . Cut the wild boar meat into 2cm pieces and transfer it to a bowl. Add half of the cleaned and chopped vegetables , the bay leaf , the garlic and cover with the wine (keep a glass aside for cooking). Leave to marinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator. If you use minced wild boar, skip this step and proceed directly with cooking.
  2. The following day, mince the meat with a food mill or beat the meat with a knife. In this case you will obtain a more rustic ragù.
  3. Finely chop celery, carrot and onion and brown them in a pan with oil . Add the chopped wild boar and after a couple of minutes add the wine kept aside.
  4. Flavor with the aromatic herbs (you can tie them together to remove them more easily) and the berries , add the tomato pulp and bring to the boil. Let it cook for at least an hour and a half but the longer you leave it the better. If it dries out too much, add boiling broth or water. Finally, season with salt .
  5. Boil the pasta in plenty of salted water. If fresh, a couple of minutes will be enough, if dry, rely on the times indicated on the package.
  6. Drain the pasta and toss it in a pan together with the ragù, adjusting the consistency with some cooking water.

Homemade pappardelle

While the ragù is cooking you can prepare the homemade pappardelle . Combine 400 g of flour in a bowl and crack 4 eggs in the center. Knead first with a fork and then by hand, on a wooden pastry board, until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. Let it rest for an hour under the covered bowl.

Then roll out the pastry with a rolling pin or with a granny duck until you reach the thickness you prefer. We get to the penultimate click of the machine. Unlike tagliatelle, with pappardelle there is no defined width. This can vary from 2 to 4 cm . We made them 2 cm thick so as to make them more practical to enjoy. Then proceed with cooking: 1-2 minutes will be enough.

Here is a short video with all the steps to prepare this recipe, including the pappardelle. You will have plenty of time to make them while the sauce is cooking and trust me, they will make the difference.


    Consume the cooked and seasoned pasta at the moment. Instead, you can freeze the sauce in the freezer or store it for about 3-4 days in the fridge in a container with an airtight lid.

    Read also
    5 different ways to cook wild boar

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