
Pasta agretti and anchovies

Few ingredients and lots of flavour: this is what you will find on your plate if you decide to prepare our agretti and anchovy pasta.

Agretti, also known as friar's beard , are a spontaneous spring herb with an elongated shape and a particular, slightly bitter flavour. In some areas of Italy they are the protagonists of various recipes while in others they are practically unknown. Today we will reveal how to prepare agretti and anchovy pasta, a very simple first course perfect for an informal lunch or dinner .

The combination of agretti and anchovies is really excellent but can be further enhanced with the addition of cherry tomatoes or capers. In short, a simple dish that can also be customized.

pasta agretti and anchovies

How to prepare the agretti and anchovy pasta recipe

  1. First clean the agretti by rinsing them well under running water. If you harvest them yourself, choose the most tender shoots, i.e. those no longer than 15-20 cm.
  2. Bring a pan full of water to the boil and salt it lightly. Dip the agretti and cook them for a maximum of 4 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, in a separate pan, add oil, garlic, chilli pepper to taste and anchovies and let them melt over a low heat.
  4. Drain the agretti and sauté them in the pan for a few minutes.
  5. Then cook the pasta in plenty of salted water (you can also use the agretti water) and, once ready, sauté it in the pan with the sauce.

This pasta is excellent served with a sprinkling of pan-toasted breadcrumbs and some pine nuts. An equally simple alternative is pasta agretti, anchovies and cherry tomatoes . Add the latter after having washed them and cut them in half together with the anchovies and let them cook for 5-10 minutes . Then add the agretti and the pasta: you will taste how delicious!

Among the other recipes with agretti we recommend you try the omelette , also in a vegetable version : simple but delicious.


The pasta with agretti will keep in the refrigerator for a couple of days. We advise you to heat it before consuming it.

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