
Pasta with artichokes and walnuts is tasty and rustic

There are many ways to prepare pasta with artichokes and walnuts and ours is undoubtedly the fast one. Let's see the recipe together.

If you think we are about to offer you the usual first course , you will have to change your mind. Today we reveal a tasty and delicious recipe, also ideal for the most important occasions. We are talking about pasta with artichokes and walnuts. Excellent with traditional pasta , it is even more particular and refined if you use egg tagliatelle .

There are several ways to prepare this dish, one of which involves the preparation of a walnut cream. But we want to keep it simple and tell you how to prepare it as quickly as possible. As always, some suggestions for personalizing and enriching the dish will be given at the end of the preparation.

pasta with artichokes and walnuts

How to prepare the recipe for pasta with artichokes and walnuts

  1. First, as always, clean the artichokes. Thanks to our guide , this operation has never been easier. But if you are in a hurry you can also use frozen artichokes.
  2. In a pan heat the oil with the garlic clove then add the artichokes. After having browned them for a couple of minutes, let them cook over medium-low heat, with the lid on, for 15 minutes. Finally, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in abundant salted water for the time indicated on the package.
  4. Once ready, drain and toss in a pan with the sauce. Complete with the chopped walnuts with a knife, a little parsley and serve.

If you liked the idea, we suggest you also try the pasta with artichoke pesto or make a walnut sauce to be added to the pasta and artichokes at the end. As you can see the ingredients are roughly the same but the recipes are three.


This pasta with artichokes can be kept in the refrigerator, in an airtight container, for 2-3 days . You can heat it either in a pan or in the microwave before serving.

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