Pasta with peas and ham

Let's prepare delicious pasta with peas and ham, an easy, quick and always loved first course.
The recipe for pasta with peas and ham is already widely known. It is a very good first course and also appreciated because it is simple to prepare. Very popular in the 80s, it is still widely used for its fresh flavor and creamy consistency . In the sauce, the main ingredients are cooked ham and peas, which together create a very tasty combination. The liquid cream makes everything more irresistible, creating a delicious cream with which to enrich the pasta. In short, if you are undecided about what to serve for lunch, this recipe immediately comes to your aid!
Preparing the recipe for pasta with peas and ham
- Before starting, arrange the cooked ham, cutting it into small cubes.
- Take a non-stick pan and pour a drizzle of oil. Chop the onion and add it to the pan.
- Place on the stove and let fry for a couple of minutes over low heat.
- Fill a pan with water, salt it and start heating it on the stove.
- Then, add the peas to the pan; add a ladle of water from the other container.
- Cover the pan with a lid and leave to cook for 15 minutes.
- After this time, add the cooked ham and mix a little.
- Pour the liquid cream over the dressing and season with salt and pepper; mix well and cook over low heat for a couple of minutes .
- In the meantime, cook the pasta in the pan full of water for the expected time.
- Next, drain and add the pasta to the sauce.
- Stir to mix everything together, then you can serve.
Pasta with peas, ham and cream is a simple but also very tasty first course, suitable for a family lunch that everyone can agree on. If there is any leftover, you can keep it for a maximum of 1 day .
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