
Pastitsio: the super tasty Greek first course

Pastitsio is a typical Greek first course known to be very similar to baked pasta. Here’s how to prepare it for maximum taste.

If you love baked pasta, you cannot fail to try the pastitsio recipe. Known as the Greek version of baked pasta, it is an ancient recipe based on ziti , ragù and other ingredients that make it a truly rich and complete first course.

Even though it is one of the quick and easy recipes, this typical product is therefore able to make a good impression in the kitchen , offering something new and truly unique.

So here’s how to prepare the Greek pie!


Preparation of the pastitsio recipe

  1. Start by taking a non-stick pan.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of oil and, after having peeled, cut and chopped the onion , put it to brown.
  3. Add the minced meat, the chopped tomatoes, the bay leaf, the oregano, the chopped cinnamon, the salt and the pepper and mix everything well , leaving it to cook for about 20 minutes.
  4. While the meat is cooking, cook the pasta in boiling salted water. When it is ready, drain it.
  5. Take a saucepan and mix together the butter and flour, letting them mix well in order to obtain the béchamel. Add the milk, pepper and nutmeg and continue to cook until it thickens, veiling the spoon .
  6. Take a baking dish, pour some oil and spread a first layer of ziti.
  7. Sprinkle the pasta with half the quantity of grated Parmesan cheese, add the ragù and the high ziti and repeat the step, finishing the béchamel.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° C and cook for about 25 minutes . When the surface turns golden, the Greek pie is ready.

If you liked this recipe, try the beehive baked pasta ! An equally delicious variant of pastisio is the one without tomato . To make it, just mix the meat sauce and the browned onion together, mixing them well with the oregano. Then just add them as per the classic recipe to obtain a white but equally tasty pastitsio.


This original recipe is excellent when enjoyed right out of the oven . However, the Greek savory pie looks good the next day too .

To keep it, just place it in a container and keep it in the fridge. In this way it will last at least a couple of days and it will be possible to enjoy the traditional Greek baked pie for longer.

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