
Peach and chicken salad

How to prepare grilled peach and chicken salad: an excellent single dish for hot summer days. We prepare the recipe in a moment.

Today we offer you the recipe for preparing peach salad with chicken, a single dish perfect for the summer thanks to the use of peaches, a typical ingredient of this season . Making this salad is really simple since the zucchini, chicken and peaches must first be grilled and then simply left to cool before adding and seasoning them.

It is very important not to use too ripe and soft peaches as they could fall apart during cooking. Let's see all the steps of the preparation right away!

Peach and chicken salad

Preparation of grilled peach salad with chicken

  1. First wash and dry the peaches, cut them in half, remove the pits and then cut them into wedges.
  2. Grill the peach wedges on a non-stick plate for one minute on each side, then place them on a plate and let them cool .
  3. Also cook the sliced ​​chicken breasts on the same grill.
  4. Once cooked, cut them into bite-size pieces, take a salad bowl and pour in the songino, peaches, chicken, but also some feta cheese cut into cubes and a few walnut kernels.
  5. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Alternatively, here are all our recipes with peaches !

Read also
Grilled fish


Conservation advice: the salad prepared following this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator and in an airtight container for a day at most.

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