Permanent hair removal: the main trends for men

Once upon a time, it was almost exclusively women who resorted to hair removal to definitively say goodbye to razors, waxing and depilatory creams.
Today permanent hair removal is also highly appreciated by men who, inspired by characters such as Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Daniel Graig, have begun to undergo laser and pulsed light sessions, increasing the offer of these services. Let's discover together the main trends in permanent hair removal for men .
Around four out of ten Italians resort to laser or pulsed light treatments
According to surveys, over four out of ten Italians have undergone a laser or pulsed light session to date. These are mostly men between 20 and 40 years old . This age gap suggests that younger people opt for permanent hair removal because they are more active in sport, have more opportunities to compare themselves with their peers or with their partner and may therefore feel discomfort in having (too many) body hair, while older adults choose to get rid of hair when they begin to notice the first signs of aging as a strategy to continue feeling young and good about themselves. The rise of permanent male hair removal goes hand in hand, moreover, with a more general attention by men towards aesthetics and physical form.
Because permanent hair removal is increasingly popular with men too
Participants in some studies on male hair removal gave varied answers, moreover, when asked why they used laser or pulsed light. The most recurrent reason of all is the hygienic one: most people are convinced, in fact, that excess hair in certain areas makes normal daily hygiene operations difficult, as well as being able to increase sweating and cause bad odors.
The habit of depilation in certain areas is the second most cited reason by those who, tired of having to continually resort to razors and blades, have decided to resort to a definitive solution: once the cycle of scheduled sessions has been completed, in fact, with the With laser hair removal by the best specialized operators in the sector, permanent results can be obtained with a treatment course of 10-18 months, and only in some cases is it necessary to undergo some "maintenance" sessions in the following two/three years.
The third most cited reason is the possibility of achieving better performance in sport and physical activity: among the most faithful and lasers and the like are, not surprisingly, professional cyclists and swimmers.
There is over one Italian in five, however, who only shaves in the summer when it happens more often to find oneself without clothes in front of others and, once again, one can feel embarrassed by the patches of hair on the back or the covered chest. of thick, woolly hair.
Wanting to appear sexier and more attractive to (potential) partners is no less common motivation for undergoing laser or pulsed light treatments.

Permanent hair removal: the treatments most requested by men
The most common choice among men too: laser , especially if it is of the latest generation, guarantees better results in less time than pulsed light, keeping the skin healthy and safe even in the most delicate areas. To have completely smooth skin, of course, even with the laser , eight to twelve sessions are needed: this, speaking of men's hair removal trends, is the average number of sessions to which the interviewees underwent in search of a definitive result.
As for the areas for which men most often resort to permanent hair removal, the data says that these are the chest (in almost 60% of cases), the groin , the shoulders and the abdominals . According to research, there would be a sort of geographical variant in the type of laser treatment most requested by men at specialized hair removal centres: while men from the South ask for hair removal mainly from the chest, back and abdomen, in fact, those from the North resort to laser for the more on the groin and private parts.
The more general trend is towards total body hair removal : that is, the number of people who, thanks to the total safety of this treatment, perform laser treatment on their entire body to get rid of hair once and for all is growing.
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