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Persimmon pudding

Persimmon pudding

Let's find out how to prepare a light persimmon pudding using only two ingredients and without added sugar.

Persimmon pudding is an amazing recipe. Prepared with only two ingredients , persimmons and bitter cocoa, it is light but at the same time tasty. In fact, by taking advantage of the thickening properties of the persimmon, we will prepare a pudding without gelatine that keeps its shape perfectly. Ripe persimmons will also allow us to omit the sugar, thus obtaining a light dessert that is excellent at the end of a meal or for a snack for the little ones.

The most important aspect is the choice of persimmons: they must be well ripe and sweet . Avoid apple or vanilla persimmons whose pulp does not lend itself to the recipe. For the rest, respect the resting times and you will obtain a perfect persimmon pudding as well as suitable for those who follow a 100% plant-based diet.

Persimmon and cocoa pudding
Persimmon and cocoa pudding

How to prepare the persimmon pudding recipe

  1. First, peel the persimmons well and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the pulp in the bowl of the immersion blender together with the cocoa and blend until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous cream. If you want, you can pass everything through a strainer to remove any threads.
  3. Transfer the mixture into your molds (both silicone and aluminum ones are fine) and tap lightly so that the air bubbles escape.
  4. Transfer to the refrigerator for at least 6 hours .
  5. Then turn the pudding out onto a dessert plate and serve. You can decorate as desired with chopped hazelnuts or almonds.

In its simplicity, persimmon pudding contains all the intense flavor of chocolate. However, you can flavor it to make it even more special by adding a pinch of cinnamon , grated orange zest or 2 tablespoons of amaretto liqueur .

In this video you can see all the steps of the recipe and the extraordinary final consistency of your pudding.

Trust me, no one, not even the little ones, will notice the difference with the classic chocolate pudding .


The cocoa persimmon pudding will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

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Do you love persimmons too? Here are 5 recipes you absolutely must try

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