
Pumpkin parmigiana

Pumpkin parmigiana

Pumpkin parmigiana is a perfect main dish for autumn. With raw pumpkin it is also very quick to prepare!

Pumpkin parmigiana is the autumnal relative of the more famous aubergine -based version. This recipe, characterized by a sweet and delicate flavour , is excellent both as a side dish and as a second course. By omitting the ham it also becomes a perfect recipe for vegetarians.

We loved the baked pumpkin parmigiana not only for its unique taste but also because it is prepared with raw pumpkin . In fact, it will be sufficient to obtain thin slices, dip them in flour and then form the layers, leaving everything to cook together in the oven. Easy right?

Pumpkin parmigiana

How to prepare the pumpkin parmigiana recipe

  1. To prepare a delicious pumpkin parmigiana, first remove the peel from the seeds and cut the pulp into thin slices with a sharp knife or a mandolin. We recommend using butternut or violin pumpkin which is all pulp in the narrow part.
  2. Then dip the pumpkin slices in the flour . Also prepare the mozzarella (preferably for pizza) cut into thin slices or grated with a grater with large holes.
  3. Grease the bottom of a baking tray with oil and begin to make the parmigiana by placing a layer of pumpkin slices seasoned with salt and pepper , a layer of mozzarella and a handful of parmesan on the bottom. Proceed in this way with the formation of the layers until you run out of ingredients. Finally, together with the parmesan, add a little breadcrumbs and a generous drizzle of oil .
  4. Cook in a preheated oven at 200° C for approximately 30-35 minutes . Test the pumpkin for doneness with the help of a fork. You can also continue cooking for 5 minutes with the grill function to obtain a nice crunchy crust.

Here is a video with all the steps to make it. As you can see, the mozzarella can be replaced with smoked scamorza : you will get a super tasty dish!

To make it even more fragrant you can add a few sage leaves between the layers. If you love strong flavours, instead of cooked ham you can use speck (equal weight) or sausage crumbled by hand (about 250 grams).


Baked pumpkin parmigiana can be stored for about 2-3 days in the refrigerator, inside a container with an airtight lid or tightly closed in the baking dish with cling film or foil. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

Read also
Air Fryer Pumpkin Parmesan

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