Raw aubergines in oil

Of all the summer preserves, raw aubergines in oil are one of the most popular. Here is our recipe for preparing them.
Summer brings with it high quality fruit and vegetables and the desire to preserve their flavor for the winter is very strong. Among the most preserved vegetables of all there are aubergines and it is for this reason that we want to share with you a preserve in which they are the protagonists: raw aubergines in oil.
There are several variations of this dish and rest assured that by the end of reading this article you will know them all. The procedure we followed as a basic recipe to make homemade raw aubergines in oil is a bit long and requires at least 12 hours of waiting between the first step and the last. However, the result will be truly incredible and with a minimum of organization you can prepare them all at once and then put them in the pantry.

How to make raw aubergines in oil
- First, wash the aubergines well and remove the ends.
- One at a time, to prevent them from blackening, peel them with a potato peeler.
- Then cut them into slices one centimeter thick and then into one centimeter sticks and as they are ready, place them in a glass container: you can use a preserving jar of at least 4 l or a bowl.
- Form a first layer of aubergines of about 5 cm, salt and press well with your hands to compact them. You will notice that some vegetation liquid will begin to come out.
- Add a little vinegar and continue with the layers, adding salt and vinegar until they are finished.
- Cover with a large plate just less than the diameter of the container and place a weight on top (a pot full of water or a bottle always full of water).
- Leave to rest for at least 12 hours , we recommend 24 hours.
- After this first phase, drain the aubergines and squeeze them well with your hands or with the help of a potato masher.
- Chop garlic, chilli and mint and place them in a bowl. It is not mandatory to use mint, of course, you can also opt for oregano or parsley to your liking.
- Also transfer the aubergines into the bowl and mix, dividing them well in case they are all pressed together.
- Then season with plenty of oil and mix to distribute all the flavours.
- Transfer the aubergines into sterilized jars , pressing well with your hands.
- Cover with oil (both seed and extra virgin olive oil are fine) leaving a centimeter from the edge.
- Place the caps without closing and leave to rest for 12 hours .
- After this period of time, top up the oil if necessary, close with the cap and transfer the jars to the pantry. Your aubergines are ready to be enjoyed after about a month.
To create the vacuum you can close the jars tightly and boil them for 5-10 minutes in a large saucepan with a cloth inside, so that they don't bang together. Then drain them and let them cool upside down so that the vacuum is created perfectly.
And here is a video recipe very similar to our preparation:
The preparation of the raw aubergines in oil recipe is a bit long and you can also opt for aubergines in oil : quicker to make and still perfect to serve as an appetizer!
Eggplants in oil without cooking can be stored in the pantry for about a year . Remember to always attach a label indicating the contents and preparation date. Once opened, the better you are at least 1-2 weeks after preparation , however they can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.
Difference between Calabrian, Apulian, Neapolitan and Sicilian aubergines in oil
We have explained to you how to prepare the basic recipe, however from region to region this preparation undergoes small changes mostly linked to tradition. Among these regional recipes we cannot fail to mention the Calabrian, Apulian, Sicilian and Neapolitan versions. Upon looking at them, they all seem the same, but in reality they differ in very specific steps.
- For example, the Neapolitan version involves boiling the aubergine fillets in water and vinegar (a few minutes) after the resting period which usually lasts about 12 hours.
- As for the Calabrian ones, however, the recipe is raw. Families usually first purge the aubergines in a bowl with salt for 24 hours , then repeat an equally long rest period by placing the fillets in a bowl and covered with vinegar (always adding a weight at the end). A widespread variant also involves a light boiling in water and vinegar as for Neapolitan ones.
- Apulian-style aubergines in oil are also prepared raw, but 24 hours will be enough to purge them, without resting and pressing them in the vinegar for a second time.
- Lastly we have Sicilian-style aubergines in oil . Even for this version no cooking is needed, however the time to purge them is shortened to around 8 hours. After this time you must always squeeze them well, but then also dab them with kitchen paper. Let's finish the differences in making the jars: fill them with the aubergines and herbs and a touch of white wine vinegar. After letting it rest for a few hours, finish with the oil and close the jars
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