How to cook cauliflower in a pan? Here are the ingredients, recipe and variations to prepare a truly tasty seasonal side dish! Cauliflower is one of...
Layers of puff pastry, butter cream and jam make up the sumptuous Napoleon cake, perfect for special occasions. Napoleon cake, also known as Napoleon Cake ,...
Sweet and sour pumpkin is a simple side dish to prepare, perfect for accompanying any dish. Here is our recipe. Pumpkin is a typical cold season...
Orange bread is a dessert famous for being prepared with a whole blended orange. Here is the original Sicilian recipe. Orange bread is a typical dessert...
Pumpkin soup with garlic croutons: a genuine dish full of flavour. Here's how to prepare it, even with the Thermomix! Pumpkin soup with croutons is a...
One of the classics of Italian pastry with a crunchy twist: we are talking about the pear and amaretti cake! The pear and amaretti cake is...
The biscuit Advent calendar is an original idea for those who love DIY and want to bring the magic of Christmas into the home. Here's the...
With or without béchamel, vegan cauliflower au gratin is one of those side dish recipes that is perfect for all occasions. With the arrival of the...
Caramelized pears are a really simple recipe to prepare, perfect to serve as a quick dessert with a scoop of ice cream. Raise your hand if...
Hazelnut flour: nutritional values ​​and benefits for living well and fit and having a healthy and regular intestine. Introduction Hazelnut flour is a versatile and delicious...
Cocoa bread filled with a delicious chocolate cream. Here is the 900 cake, typical of the city of Ivrea. With this dessert we will certainly be...
Pumpkin cream with DOP gorgonzola and ginger is a truly delicious first course, which combines the sweetness of pumpkin with the strong flavor of gorgonzola. Pumpkin...
Gluten-free crĂŞpes are a variant of the traditional dessert suitable for celiacs, easy to make and perfect to fill with the ingredients you like most. Here...
The Savoy cake, with its 5 layers of biscuit dough alternating with chocolate cream, is a typical Sicilian chocolate cake. When we talk about chocolate cakes...
Here's how to toast hazelnuts (in the oven, in the pan and in the microwave) to use them in your recipes and preserve them at their...
Genoese corzetti (or croxetti) are a very particular type of pasta. Round and with particular designs on the surface, they are easy to make at home...
Good with bread, for filling cakes and biscuits and quick to make thanks to the food processor: persimmon jam with the Thermomix will no longer have...
Warm and invigorating, red lentil soup is the perfect comfort food for the cold season. Here is our recipe. Among winter comfort foods there is one...
Bigoli with sardines is a typical dish of Mantua and Verona, also the protagonist of a famous festival that has been held for over 100 years....
The spiral savory cake with black cabbage and red cabbage is a beautiful recipe to look at and delicious to taste, also perfect for those following...