Preparing waffles with the Thermomix is ​​really simple. Serve them the traditional way with maple syrup or enrich them with Nutella. Waffles are a wafer-shaped dessert...
Among typical American recipes, a place of importance is occupied by corn bread, corn bread of very ancient origins. Here's how to prepare it! Corn bread...
Green anchovies are a typical appetizer of the Piedmontese tradition, easy to make and delicious to enjoy on any occasion. Today we are going to Piedmont...
Ingredients and recipe for potato and cauliflower pie: a rustic side dish, easy to prepare and excellent to pair with meat main courses! If you are...
Mushroom crepes are a delicate and tasty first course, perfect to enjoy on any occasion. Today we see how to prepare mushroom crepes, a perfect dish...
Walnut sauce is a sauce from the ancient Ligurian tradition, ideal for seasoning first courses such as pansoti, trofie or corzetti. Here is the recipe with...
We prepare the Genoese rice cake with the original recipe, with a shell of matta pasta and a filling of rice, eggs and prescinseua cheese. You...
Here's how to prepare sea bass in salt in an instant, a second course of fish that is as light as it is tasty. Sea bass...
Crunchy and tasty, cauliflower pizza with vegetables is an excellent gluten-free recipe: to be cooked in the oven or in a pan. Born in recent times,...
A healthy condiment for dips, sandwiches and oriental dishes such as falafel: here's how to make the yogurt and curry sauce. The yogurt and curry sauce...
With just a few ingredients you can make a gluten-free cauliflower pizza and fill it just like a pizza. Giving up pizza is an impossible task,...
Here are the ingredients and step-by-step recipe for a delicious and very quick to prepare second course: mortadella rolls. Mortadella is a pride of Italian cuisine....
Strauben with blueberry jam: ingredients and recipe to prepare the typical dessert of Trentino Alto Adige and South Tyrol. Strauben ( straboli in Italian) is a...
Here is the ideal dessert for autumn (and not only): the tart with quince jam, rustic and simply delicious. The tart with quince jam is a...
Pappardelle with wild boar ragĂą is a rich dish, perfect for special occasions. Here are all the secrets to prepare it in the best possible way....
Creamy and with an intense meat flavour, gravy sauce can never be missing on Thanksgiving day, together with turkey. There is no self-respecting Thanksgiving holiday without...
The lean cappon is a triumph of fish and vegetables seasoned with green sauce, a rich traditional Ligurian dish. Today we are preparing a recipe that...
Cavour-style roast veal is a truly delicious second course and suitable for any occasion, from the most convivial to the most important. Today we are going...
Gratin cauliflower is a delicious dish that will earn you applause from all your guests: here is the recipe with and without bechamel. Baked cauliflower au...
Perfect for spreading on bread or simply for filling biscuits, cakes and desserts of all kinds, here's how to prepare currant jam. If you also love...