Here is the recipe for Greek pita, the soft round bread that is easy to prepare and ideal to serve with Greek salad, gyros or tzatziki....
Chestnut gnocchi are a first course with an autumnal flavor that lends itself to being seasoned in different ways. Let's discover the recipe and pairings. Chestnuts...
Let's see all the steps to prepare pumpkin soup with the Thermomix (even without potatoes) and some ideas for personalizing the taste. Cream or velvety? What...
Perfect for filling biscuits, cakes and cream puffs, chocolate custard is very simple to prepare. Cream puffs, cannoncini, sponge cake, tarts: how many desserts can benefit...
Very few ingredients are enough to create a tasty dish. Here are our vegetarian stuffed mushrooms cooked in the oven. What autumn would it be without...
Torta al testo is a typical recipe from Umbria, a sort of bread cooked in a pan without leavening, perfect for filling. Italian tradition reserves us...
Few ingredients and a very simple recipe: making baked chestnuts is truly within everyone's reach. Here are our tips and tricks! Delicious and crunchy, they are...
Undisputed protagonist of Lombard cuisine with ancient origins: here's how to prepare the true original Milanese risotto. It's really true: ossobuco and Milanese risotto are an...
Persimmons, apple and lemon: here's how to make a delicious sugar-free persimmon jam, perfect for preserving. Jam, jam, compote … what a mess! Yet the distinction...
Scotch eggs are a typical product of English cuisine, perfect if you are looking for tasty appetizers to bring to the table. Despite the name which...
Have you ever prepared risotto pasta with courgettes? It is a very simple recipe with a creamy and unexpected result: try it! The risotto pasta is...
Grandma's apple pie is a perfect recipe for any occasion, very simple to prepare and good beyond imagination. All grandmothers have an apple pie up their...
Risotto al telephone is appreciated for the fantastic combination of mozzarella and tomato, so much so that it recalls the flavor of Neapolitan pizza. This risotto,...
Sauteed rice: ingredients and recipe to prepare a dish born as an idea to recycle leftover rice which becomes a real delicacy! Today's recipe takes us...
Simple to prepare, soft beyond belief and also excellent reheated, here are our air fryer pancakes. Breakfast …always on the run and with packaged snacks, perhaps...
Gorgonzola and walnut rice: a creamy, delicate and very simple first course to prepare for a family lunch or dinner! Gorgonzola and walnut rice is a...
Simple and delicate but rich in flavour, white aubergine parmigiana is an alternative to the classic recipe. Here's how to prepare it. Eggplant parmigiana is one...
The Crescia Sfogliata is the Marche piadina par excellence. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe and how to serve it. The Crescia Sfogliata...
Chestnut cream with the Thermomix is ​​a simple and delicious preparation, perfect both to enjoy on its own and to prepare delicious homemade desserts. There is...
For a dish full of flavours, we offer you a second course with sausage and mushrooms, to be prepared in a pan in just a few...