Milk pudding is a fresh and really easy to prepare dessert. Here are all the secrets of the recipe! Milk pudding is a really good dessert,...
Also known as Saintes-Tropez cake, tarte tropezienne is a French dessert made of brioche bread and a rich cream. French cuisine is certainly not new to...
Courgette pesto is a fresh and colorful sauce, very quick to make and ideal for seasoning tasty first courses, suitable for any occasion. Want a fabulous...
Let's prepare a good maracuja caipiroska, a truly incredible cocktail, fresh and with lots of flavour. Have you ever tried passion fruit caipiroska? If the answer...
Roasted peppers are great as a side dish or appetizer, quick and easy to prepare. Peppers are very versatile and lend themselves to a variety of...
Let's prepare a delicious tramezzino cake, a sandwich cake with a savory and imaginative filling. The sandwich cake is a very simple and fun recipe. Also...
Pici with crumbs are a typical dish of Siena which later spread throughout Tuscany. Here's how they are prepared in the traditional way (including pici). Pici...
From the Italian tradition comes a lighter reinterpretation with the unmissable aubergine parmigiana cooked in an air fryer. In itself it is an important and substantial...
We saw them in a well-known Fantozzi film and now we can prepare them with the easy recipe for spaghetti Montecristo. Even if there is no...
Ligurian pansoti are ravioli so called because of the characteristic "belly" of filling. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe. Ligurian pansoti, often mistakenly...
Tasty beyond imagination, perfect for summer but also excellent for freezing, here are our grilled peppers! There are many simple and quick side dishes but it...
Let's find out how to prepare cold tuna and potato meatloaf, a perfect recipe for summer since you don't need an oven. Who said that meatloaf...
With just 4 ingredients and in a short time, a delicious, frothy and flavored coffee mousse is ready. Making coffee mousse is really very simple and...
All the secrets for perfect, golden and crunchy fried calamari. You're on the safe side with this fish recipe! Today we are preparing a second course...
The Roman white pizza stuffed with mortadella is the street food par excellence of the capital. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe! The...
Ingredients and recipe to prepare an excellent gluten-free cold pasta with tomatoes, mozzarella and olives, perfect for summer! Preparing cold gluten-free pasta is very simple and...
Chestnut tiramisu is an ideal dessert for autumn. We prepare it very simply, here's how! An unusual variant of the classic traditional dessert, chestnut tiramisu is...
If you haven't tried it yet, hurry and prepare zabaglione ice cream, a fresh and creamy dessert with a unique flavour. If you like eggnog you...
It is one of the simplest and most classic dishes in our cuisine: we have all tried the pasta with tuna recipe at least once. But...
Fresh, quick to prepare and perfect for summer, tomato friselle are a truly irresistible typical Apulian recipe. Frisella is a sort of dry bread donut typical...