Courgette hummus is a variation of the classic Middle Eastern recipe prepared without legumes. Here is the super creamy recipe. Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip...
Preparing a perfect risotto means using fresh ingredients and following all the phases carefully up to the creaming. Here are the 7 steps to make an...
The chocolate semifreddo is a simple dessert to prepare but with guaranteed success. Here is our foolproof recipe. When the beautiful days begin to make their...
The melon cake recipe is perfect for those looking for ideas to prepare delicious desserts with melon. Among the many sweet recipes with melon there is...
Do you know that it is possible to prepare bread with rice flour at home? This recipe is gluten-free: excellent for intolerants (and not!). Contrary to...
Here are the ingredients and all the steps to prepare a delicious stuffed pizza: the delicious baked calzone. Today we explain how to prepare calzone with...
Melon tiramisu is an unmissable variant, with a fresh taste and a colorful appearance thanks to the fruit. Melon tiramisu is a light and fresh variant...
Lemon chicken breast is a very simple dish but with a surprising flavour, ideal for a simple and delicious second course. Today we are preparing some...
Spritz Hugo: the doses, the recipe and the history of the elderberry cocktail that conquered everyone with its delicate and fresh taste! Do you want a...
Poor-style courgettes are anything but a poor side dish: their flavour, in fact, is so rich that it will surprise you. Courgettes alla Poverella with mint...
Preparing biscuits cooked in a pan is really simple and, given the shortcrust pastry base, also easy to customize. Craving for something sweet but having to...
Melon cheesecake is one of the perfect recipes to make and enjoy during the summer. Have you ever thought of using melon in this way? Unusual...
Quick and easy, here's how to prepare delicious aubergine meatballs in the air fryer. Air fryer aubergine meatballs are a really practical and quick recipe to...
Culurgiones are a stuffed pasta from Sardinia prepared with potatoes, pecorino and mint. Here is the original recipe, tips on how to close them and what...
If you are looking for a summer side dish, try aubergines and peppers. Simple to make, it can be prepared in less than 30 minutes and...
Canapé with flavored butter, a very simple appetizer to prepare and perfect for any occasion. Here's the recipe! Preparing canapés with butter is really simple and...
Courgette and prawn couscous is the perfect summer recipe, excellent to enjoy cold at work or during trips out of town. The arrival of summer encourages...
Just a few steps are enough to make excellent aubergine rolls in the air fryer with ham and cheese. The air fryer is one of the...
With just a few ingredients it is possible to make a very simple second fish dish, pan-fried sea bass. Cooking fish is not difficult, yet it...
Do you want an aperitif? The gluten-free fried gnocco recipe is the choice for you. Good and perfect to accompany with cured meats and cheeses. Together...