Let's find out how to prepare an excellent sugar-free and seedless blackberry jam, perfect for breakfast or with cheese. Summer is the best time to collect...
The summer skewers with cheese and fruit are ideal for enriching buffets on birthday parties or for a different-than-usual summer aperitif. On the hottest days we...
A shell of soft dough encloses a very sweet apricot in marillenknode, the sweet dumplings typical of Central Europe. Apricot dumplings are sweet dumplings typical of...
The melon sorbet recipe with the Thermomix is ​​perfect for those looking for a different idea for serving melon. Here's how to prepare it! Melon sorbet...
To make authentic marinara risotto, one of the most classic first courses, there is only one secret. Here's how to prepare it at home. Those of...
Let's find out what Roman gratichecca is, how it is prepared and what is the story behind this refreshing drink. In Rome you just can't hear...
The version of courgette gnocchi is an easy and delicious recipe, to use one of the most versatile and loved vegetables. Courgette gnocchi are a colorful...
Oil, salt and lemon juice: there is nothing simpler and tastier than preparing an excellent citronette to dress your salad. When it comes to dressing salads,...
Creamy and with an intense flavour, chocolate ice cream with the Thermomix is ​​really simple to prepare with our recipe. There must also be a reason...
Let's find out how to prepare homemade friselle, wet them and season them just as the Apulian tradition dictates. Typical of Puglia but widespread throughout the...
Crazy water is an ancient fish preparation technique, typical of Southern Italy. Let's find out what it is and why they say that water "goes crazy"!...
Let's discover together the best recipes for summer second courses, quick and tasty, but above all easy to make. With the beautiful season the appetite certainly...
But how good are peaches? Recipes to try to enjoy one of the tastiest fruits of summer. Ready? Street! But how can we resist peaches? These...
There are many ways to prepare lemon couscous and we will reveal four of them, all perfect recipes for summer. There's a simple reason why couscous...
Very few ingredients are enough to prepare a light and tasty side dish like our beetroot and yogurt salad. Beets are a slightly mistreated vegetable ,...
The White Russian is a delicious and perfect cocktail for any occasion: here is the IBA recipe to make it at home, and feel just like...
Let's prepare cuttlefish and potato salad, a unique fish-based dish, quick to make and practical to eat anywhere. Summer is beautiful to experience, with trips out...
Hummus without garlic and tahini is a lighter variant of the classic Lebanese chickpea sauce: a quick and easy to prepare gluten-free recipe. Ideal for an...
The tuna sauce is easy to make and rich in flavour, perfect to enjoy as an appetizer or to use to prepare the classic veal with...
Vegan cuisine is full of surprises and these vegan stuffed courgettes are proof of this. Let's see what ingredients are needed. Perfect as a single dish...