Lavender panna cotta is a quick and tasty dessert with a delicate and very particular flavor thanks to the fresh lavender flowers. Lavender panna cotta is...
Typical of the Genoa area, the sailor's biscuits are delicious and simple dry focaccisas to try. Outside the borders of Liguria it is difficult to hear...
From Vietnam to Salento via Australia and Chile. Ice coffee has come a long way to Italy where we prepare it in a unique way. Coffee...
Green bean pesto is a light and particularly tasty sauce that is well suited both as a condiment for a first course and to accompany meat...
Simple but very tasty, spaghetti alla tarantina is a perfect first course to savor the intense flavor of mussels. Among the fish first courses there is...
A French sauce, perfect for enriching fish or meat dishes or vegetables in salads: here is the recipe for the vinaigrette sauce. It is tasty, ready...
Tasty, light and also perfect as an appetizer, grilled courgettes in oil are really simple to prepare with our recipe. Courgettes are a summer vegetable with...
The gluten-free phyllo dough recipe is easily prepared and, in an instant, you will have a base for many preparations. Today we are preparing gluten-free phyllo...
The caesar salad is a true institution among salads and is suitable both as an appetizer and as a main course. Let's find out how to...
Niçoise salad is a typical recipe from Nice which however contains all the flavors of the Mediterranean. Here is the recipe to prepare it. Nicoise salad,...
Preparing panzerotti in an air fryer is really simple and the result worthy of the best fryers. Here is our foolproof recipe. Apulian panzerotti are one...
Excellent for snacks or aperitifs, courgette jam is an original and very versatile Sicilian recipe. Courgette jam, or typically called "Sicilian cucuzzata", is an unusual and...
Sautéed aubergines are a delicious side dish, perfect for bringing tasty vegetables to the table and for pairing with any dish. Today we are preparing some...
Here's how to prepare risotto with courgettes and prawns, an always tasty first course from the sea and the mountains. The risotto with courgettes and prawns...
Easy to make, good to eat immediately or to prepare in advance for a meal out of town: round courgettes stuffed with parmesan, onion and olives....
Smoked macaroni is a first course from the Marche region rich in ingredients and flavours. Let's prepare it now! The smoked macaroni recipe is a dish...
It is called Pan di Stelle cake or Pan di Stelle cheesecake and it is the richest and tastiest cold dessert around: it is made without...
Pamper yourself with our light summer recipes, one tastier than the other and perfect to satisfy even the most demanding palates. Even if it only lasts...
Easy to prepare, excellent to pair with tasty cheeses or simply spread on bread. Here is the recipe for cucumber jam, perfect to prepare even during...
The poor man's spaghetti is a quick first course to prepare which takes time to cook the pasta, but is really rich in flavour! Spaghetti del...