Let's find out how to prepare the real Sicilian granita, a cold dessert made with water, sugar and fruit juice. Not to be confused with sorbet,...
Stuffed calamari in the air fryer are even tastier and have an excellent consistency, with a very simple filling. Let's try the delicious recipe for stuffed...
Lovers of quick and easy recipes must absolutely try the mint granita, perfect for refreshing yourself from the summer heat. The arrival of summer is a...
Busiate are a typical Sicilian pasta shape. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe and some ideas for the seasoning. When it comes to...
Here's how to prepare octopus in the air fryer for a tasty second course to serve in any season of the year. Cooking octopus in an...
Courgettes with tomato and basil are a quick and really easy side dish to prepare. Here's what you need! Courgettes in tomato sauce are a simple...
The Blue Lagoon cocktail is a very famous drink made from Blue Curacao. Let's prepare it with a quick and simple recipe. Have you ever tried...
Let's find out how to prepare homemade Sardinian esplanata with the original Sardinian recipe based on semolina, sourdough, water and salt. The Sardinian spienata is a...
Tahini is a very versatile sesame cream: one of the fundamental ingredients for making hummus. Ready to prepare tahini together, the sesame sauce used for hummus...
Buckwheat and blueberry cake is one of the best quick and easy recipes there is. A typical, gluten-free dessert that is worth tasting. Preparing a buckwheat...
Air fryer blueberry muffins are very simple to prepare and perfect to enjoy for breakfast or as a snack. Muffins are the perfect dessert for breakfast...
Salmoriglio is a traditional Sicilian culinary sauce perfect for seasoning meat or fish dishes: here is the recipe! Today we offer you a quick and easy...
Preparing basmati rice in an air fryer is possible and very simple, because it only involves three steps. With air cooking it is possible to cook...
How to cook octopus to obtain tender meat is one of the most frequently asked questions in the kitchen. Here are the tricks for cooking perfect...
It takes less than 10 minutes to prepare an excellent courgette pesto with the Thermomix. Here is our perfect recipe for seasoning pasta. Seasoning pasta is...
Preparing cunzato bread is really simple and in an instant you will have a tasty stuffed sandwich ready, perfect for trips out of town or quick...
The peach tarte tatin is a dessert prepared with fresh pastry and fruit: discover the ingredients and all the steps of the recipe now! The tarte...
Tagliatelle with aubergines and cherry tomatoes, a simple and tasty first course of pasta for your summer lunches. Here are all the preparation steps! In this...
The capponadda of Camogli is a truly particular dish, whose roots are linked to the culinary tradition of Liguria and the poorest cuisine. Let's find out...
Calamarata with calamari is a fun first course, which plays both in name and appearance with the similarity between pasta and mollusc. As you can imagine,...