Let's discover together how to prepare a dessert from Naples, Poppella snowflakes: soft and creamy they have enchanted everyone. It is undeniable: when the Neapolitans make...
For a light and easy appetizer, we can prepare the fried gnocco in the air fryer, to serve with cured meats and cheeses. From the gastronomic...
Just a few ingredients are enough to create a fresh, no-cook first course, ideal for trips out of town. Here's the tuna and vegetable couscous! Couscous...
How to prepare steamed quinoa, a perfect basic preparation to make the most of this protein-rich and gluten-free food! Steaming quinoa is very simple and in...
The rolled sandwiches are perfect for a dinner or to bring a pinch of tasty joy to the table. For the rolled sandwiches you must use...
Sweet and thirst-quenching, it is one of the most popular fruits during the summer season. Here's how to cut watermelon and some ideas on how to...
Here's how to prepare marinated courgettes, to serve as an aperitif or to accompany meat or fish main courses. Marinated courgettes are excellent to serve as...
Let's find out how to prepare Neapolitan potato croquettes, delicious potato croquettes stuffed with mozzarella and fried. Potato crocchè are a typical Neapolitan street food that...
Zucchini squash without yeast is one of those recipes to save for practicality and versatility. Here's how to prepare it in the oven and in a...
They are the appetizer par excellence of pizzerias: we are talking about seaweed fritters, delicious morsels of batter with the scent of the sea. Seaweed fritters...
How to prepare delicious amaranth crepes to fill with chicken, salad and avocado or other ingredients of your choice. Here is the step by step recipe!...
In some areas of Sicily they call it agghiata, but it is better known as Trapanese pesto: here is the recipe! Today we are preparing the...
Easy to prepare with a little oil, peperonata in the air fryer turns into a light and delicious side dish. Pepper lovers will be able to...
Did your basil plant grow lush during the summer? Here's how to make basil pesto and the mistakes to avoid to prepare it in the best...
Halva is a very sugary, tahini-based dessert similar to soft nougat. Here's how to prepare it and some simple variations! Halva is a dessert that originates...
Cucumber salad in tzatziki sauce, a fresh summer side dish to bring to the table, perhaps to accompany a tasty second course. Cucumber salad in tzatziki...
Let's see how to prepare watermelon sorbet without egg whites and without an ice cream maker, your new favorite summer recipe. Today we want to offer...
Calabrian stroncatura: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare a traditional dish with a decidedly particular history. The Calabrian strongatura is a typical recipe from Calabria,...
Luciana-style octopus is a recipe that contains the fishermen's secrets for cooking a soft and tasty octopus. Curious to discover them? Octopus Luciana is the best...
Eggplant pesto is a creamy and fantastic sauce to be enjoyed both as an aperitif on croutons and as a sauce for a first course. Today...