The Strawberry Caipirinha, also made with cachaca and lime, is a fabulous drink that conquers everyone. Easy to make and ready in a short time, the...
It takes very little to ennoble defrosted plaice fillets. Here's how to prepare plaice au gratin in the air fryer. Plaice is a fish that everyone...
Corn couscous with vegetables is a valid alternative for those who cannot consume wheat. Let's discover the simple recipe ready in 10 minutes. Good, fresh, colorful...
Let's try the incredible taste of tomato platters, a light and excellent side dish to bring to the table. Tomato platters are a very good and...
There is no tastier and creamier flavor than Nutella ice cream and our recipe for preparing it is very simple, even without an ice cream maker!...
Pasta with vegetarian sauce of tomatoes and grilled aubergines, recipe for preparing a natural, tasty and flavourful first course. Today we offer you a first course...
Pasta with lemon pesto, pine nuts and basil: a simple and fresh condiment ideal for your first courses. Today we offer you the recipe for preparing...
If you are looking for a light dessert, you absolutely must try the cocoa water cake. A dessert without eggs or butter, excellent for breakfast. Who...
Courgette flatbread without gluten, yeast and milk, the recipe for preparing a rustic cake suitable for everyone and perfect for summer! Today we offer you the...
In 15 minutes and without effort you can prepare delicious squid rings in the air fryer. Here are our tips for having them crispy. Mixed fried...
Perfect as an appetizer, to fill bruschetta or to accompany second courses, pickled courgettes will keep perfectly throughout the winter! Pickled courgette preserves are a typically...
Offelle are a genuine product, a typical biscuit from the province of Pavia which has slowly conquered Italy and Europe. Here's the recipe! Offelle di Parona...
Perfect for summer, watermelon caipiroska is a vodka-based long drink perfect to serve after dinner or as an aperitif. Summer brings with it lots of fresh...
Without cooking and ready in 5 minutes, lemon pesto is the perfect recipe for summer. Better with spaghetti or linguine? Today we offer you the recipe...
The watermelon ice cream recipe is a real must in the summer season, when it is possible to find fresh and juicy watermelons. Making fresh watermelon...
Preparing baked courgettes and aubergines au gratin is really simple and in no time you will have an excellent side dish to bring to the table....
Cucumber lasagna with courgettes flavored with avocado and tomato mousse: a recipe for serving vegetables in an alternative and elegant way. Who said vegetable dishes are...
Let's prepare the Negroni together, one of the most well-known and appreciated aperitif cocktails in the world. Here are the ingredients and the recipe! One of...
Mediterranean couscous is a nutritious and light first course, with a rich vegetable-based dressing. Summer is characterized by long hot days, where hunger is often lurking...
What's better than a full-bodied and tasty seasoning for your pasta, like the one given by dried tomato pesto? When it comes to finding simple ways...