The recipe for spaghetti with clams from Cannavacciuolo has a particular secret: the wise use of milk and garlic. Here's how they prepare. Neapolitan, chef and...
Do you know the ingredients of Greek salad? Also called Horiatiki, it is a traditional dish that is very simple to prepare: perfect for cooling off…...
Lemon-scented basil liqueur: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare an excellent homemade digestive and to be served fresh at the end of an important meal!...
Courgette omelette is a recipe that never goes out of fashion, perfect to prepare for a trip out of town or to serve on the table...
Made with genuine ingredients, Turkish pizza is a truly tasty typical product with its meat topping. Turkish pizza is a typical Middle Eastern product. Also known...
Tuna and lemon pasta is a simple first course but loved by all. Let's prepare it today in the gluten-free version! Today we are preparing gluten-free...
We prepare the famous Apulian bombette at home in the air fryer, a typical product with a stringy filling. Surely, you will all have heard of...
The caipirinha is a cocktail based on cachaca, lime and cane sugar, originally from Brazil. Discover all the secrets to prepare it! With the arrival of...
Let's find out everything about melon: the period, the nutritional values ​​and the best recipes that can be created with this wonderful fruit! When summer arrives...
Cherry cheesecake is a cold, no-bake dessert perfect for summer. Here is our recipe for preparing it. When we talk about no-bake desserts , excellent to...
Ingredients and recipe for chicken and vegetable couscous, ideal for those who want to prepare quick first courses in advance and also to take to the...
Let's prepare a good white pizza with cherry tomatoes, with a simple and light sauce. Have you ever tried white pizza with cherry tomatoes? Probably in...
Recco focaccia with Bimby is a Ligurian specialty famous for its stringy cheese filling! Recco focaccia with Thermomix is ​​a quick and easy recipe that does...
Perfect for summer, peach semifreddo is very simple to prepare. Here is our recipe with lots of fruit. Are you looking for a perfect dessert for...
Can you make vegan feta? Here is the recipe for this tofu-based vegetable cheese. To be used to flavor salads, first courses and other dishes! Those...
Jellied meat is not only a great way to preserve meat, but also an idea for an unusual appetizer. Without naming names, everyone knows at least...
Here are the ingredients and recipe for gluten-free vegetable meatballs, a delicious second course also suitable for celiacs! Delicious, tasty and simple to prepare: today we...
Courgette and pepper pasta is a tasty first course and perfect for the warmer season. Very simple recipe to prepare, it's ideal for when you're in...
White courgette parmigiana will amaze you with its genuine taste and the lightness of its ingredients. An excellent alternative to the usual aubergine parmigiana is the...
Lovers of quick cakes will certainly appreciate our Perginese tart prepared with the original Tuscan recipe. Let's take a trip to beautiful Tuscany to discover the...