Marshal pasta is a quick and easy first course, perfect to prepare when you don't know what to cook for dinner. How many times have you...
Perfect as a second course or as an appetizer: here are the savory rice pancakes, an easy but tasty recipe and… to eat with your hands!...
Lentil hummus is a variation of the traditional hummus sauce recipe, perfect as an appetizer and easy to prepare with the Thermomix. Hummus is a typical...
Very few ingredients are enough to prepare an excellent oven-roasted cauliflower, whole or sliced. Here is our light recipe. Roasted cauliflower is a perfect light side...
Perfect to accompany the spicy and spicy dishes of Indian cuisine, chapati is a yeast-free bread that is simple to prepare. In recent times, Indian cuisine...
Four seasons pizza is a particular variant filled with four flavors divided into slices. Ready to fight to grab your favorite part? The four seasons pizza...
If you are looking for a simply tasty first course that is also ideal to prepare in advance, artichoke and speck lasagna is the right recipe!...
Migliaccio is a typical dessert of Neapolitan cuisine based on ricotta, semolina and milk to be prepared for the Carnival celebrations. What Carnival would it be...
Why is Tuscan bread also called salt-free? Let's discover the history and recipe of this typical regional product. The true story of why Tuscan bread is...
Preparing broccoli gnocchi, without potatoes, is a truly original idea. Here's how to make them with the easy recipe. The idea of ​​preparing gnocchi without potatoes...
This veal stew is soft and delicious: served with potatoes it is perfect on all occasions. Here's how it's done! Veal stew with potatoes is a...
Simple to prepare, loaf of bread will fill your home with an irresistible aroma. Use it to prepare delicious toast! Who doesn't like toast ? Young...
If you are looking for an idea for a light dinner, with a fresh and tasty flavour, you can try the deliciously fragrant lentil soup with...
For a different family dinner than usual, try the Neapolitan pizza dough with the Thermomix and you won't regret it. Neapolitan pizza stands out from others...
Here is the traditional recipe for Sicilian-style pasta with white cauliflower, a first course as delicious as it is simple. From the gastronomic tradition of one...
Let's prepare a light, fish-based second course, namely cod in the air fryer. The recipe for air fryer cod is a lighter version of a tasty...
Befana black beans are a very tasty and rich soup, ideal to enjoy during the Christmas holidays: here is the recipe! Befana beans are a warm,...
White polenta with black cuttlefish is a very classy dish with a flavor capable of surprising anyone. Here's how it's done! White polenta with black cuttlefish...
The rustic flavor and particular consistency make orange marmalade with peels one of our favorite recipes. When it comes to homemade preserves , as you know...
An inviting, delicate and tasty first course: tagliatelle with salmon and courgettes. Here's the easy recipe! They are already excellent in the light version: tagliatelle with...