
Red lentils and taragna polenta: the veg recipe that everyone likes

Red lentils and taragna polenta, an excellent single dish to be enjoyed freshly prepared or cold.

Legumes and cereals, a pleasant and substantial combination rich in vegetable proteins, fibers and vitamins. Red lentils and taragna polenta, a delicate and rustic flavor at the same time. At the sight it may seem like a classic polenta with meat sauce, and be sure that you will deceive all your diners but you will certainly not disappoint them ! This unique and substantial dish is suitable for all palates and we challenge you to offer it to children too!

Ready to cook? Let’s go to prepare this delicious recipe but there

Polenta Taragna and red lentils

Preparation of red lentils and taragna polenta

  1. Easy to make, this unique dish of red lentils and taragna polenta brings together two tasty foods that go together very well.
  2. First check that the peeled red lentils do not have any impurities inside, if necessary, remove them and wash the lentils well with running water by putting them in a colander.
  3. In a deep pan, prepare a sauté with the finely chopped onion , the two whole garlic cloves, the chopped ginger, the sliced ​​chilli pepper, the bay leaf and extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Let it go for a few minutes and then add the lentils and immediately afterwards cold water to cover the lentils abundantly. The water must be about double the amount of lentils.
  5. Add a pinch of salt, put the lid on and let it go over low heat , checking from time to time.
  6. In a second pot, prepare the polenta taragna, a few minutes will be enough for the pre-cooked one, follow the instructions on the package.
  7. As soon as the polenta is cooked, pour it into a greased glass dish and let it cool .
  8. The red lentils will reduce to a tasty cream, turn them so they do not stick to the pot and adjust with more water if necessary or. The lentils will be cooked when they have incorporated all the water.
  9. Cut the polenta into rectangles of the size you prefer, or turn it over on a cutting board and pour over the lentils reduced to almost cream.
  10. Pour extra virgin olive oil and bring to the table.

If you want to discover the secrets of polenta, why not try a delicious and mouth-watering Northern recipe? Let’s talk about polenta concia !


You can store the polenta and lentils separately, in two containers with lids and in the fridge for about 2-3 days . We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

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