Roman-style supplì: taste and crunchiness
The supplì on the phone are a crunchy delight: straight from the Roman cuisine here is the original recipe
The supplì are very tasty typically Roman appetizers. They are not croquettes and they are not arancini: compared to their Sicilian "cousins", they are much smaller, elongated in shape, and are simply prepared with rice, meat sauce and mozzarella , before being fried. Why are they also called supplì on the phone ? Because inside a stringy mozzarella heart is inserted and when the supplì is divided in half, the stringy mozzarella will join the two parts, a sort of telephone wire, in fact. You can prepare the recipe the same day or use the leftover rice or ragù from the day before.

Roman supplì recipe: how to prepare them
- For your rice supplì, start by preparing the broth, which you will need for cooking the rice. Then in a pan, pour some oil and fry the onion, then add the minced meat , cook for a few minutes, then blend with white wine.
- Once the alcohol has evaporated, pour the tomato puree and cook for about 20 minutes, taking care not to let it dry too much.
- Now you are ready for the rice : add it raw to your sauce and cook, adding the vegetable broth you have previously prepared from time to time.
- When the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and stir in the butter and Parmesan cheese. After this phase, you will have to let the rice cool down before preparing your supplì. You could arrange it on a surface (or on a baking tray), covered with parchment paper.
- While the rice cools, prepare the mozzarella. Cut it into rectangular cubes , in order to be able to create that “telephone” effect we have talked about
- Once the rice has become cold, prepare the supplì: take a small amount of rice, mash it on the palm of your hand, place the mozzarella and then close it in a cylindrical shape. Pass each supplì in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs.
- Heat the oil in a pan: the ideal is to fry – you can check this if you have a cooking thermometer – at about 180 degrees. The supplì must be golden but no more.
- Place them on absorbent paper, once ready and serve still hot .
And if you need advice on the type of oil to use, here is a practical guide on frying oil and how to choose it.
You can also prepare rice supplì with leftover rice or with the previous day's ragù. In this case, beat an egg in a large bowl, add the leftover rice and the meat sauce and when everything is blended, add some butter. Proceeding with the usual preparation of the supplì, fry and serve.
Instead of just minced meat, you can choose to use half of the livers , often present in the recipe for supplì.
As for the mozzarella to be used for the supplì, we do not recommend the buffalo mozzarella because it releases a lot of water. Better to use fiordilatte, with the foresight to let them release the milk in time before using it.
There is no absolute type of rice suitable for the recipe of the supplì: a carnaroli or even a vialone nano or an arborio will be fine.
The supplì on the phone is a delight if eaten hot but you can also keep it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days – in an airtight container – and heat it in the oven before consuming it: it will not be as freshly prepared but you will "awaken" the mozzarella at a minimum. internal.
READ ALSO: Sicilian rice arancini: crunchy, delicious, simply unique!
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