Salmon and courgette lasagna

Salmon and courgette lasagna with its smoky flavor is a perfect first course for all occasions.
We love preparing lasagna, especially on special occasions, not only because it is versatile and everyone likes it but also because we can take advantage of it and cook it a few hours in advance. When guests arrive or when sitting down to the table, simply pop them in the oven and you're done. The same goes for this salmon and courgette lasagna, a tasty and simple first course to prepare .
The choice is yours whether to use ready-made béchamel sauce, to make the recipe even quicker, or whether to prepare it following our recipe. We can guarantee you that in both cases the result will be amazing because in this impressive first course the difference is made by the smoked salmon . Move to the kitchen and try these delicious smoked salmon and courgette lasagna.

For the bechamel
- Flour 00 – 100 g
- Butter – 100 g
- Milk – 1 l
- Coarse salt – 1 teaspoon
- Nutmeg – to taste
For the lasagna
- Fresh pasta for lasagne – 400 g
- Courgettes – 4
- Smoked salmon – 200 g
- Grated parmesan – 80 g
- Small onion – 1
- Extra virgin olive oil – 1 tablespoon
- Salt – to taste
- Pepper – to taste
How to prepare the salmon and courgette lasagna recipe
First prepare the béchamel sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and toast it for a few minutes, until it takes on a hazelnut colour. Pour in the milk , stirring with a whisk, and add a teaspoon of coarse salt . Let the béchamel cook over medium heat, stirring with a whisk from time to time and, once thickened, turn off and season with a grated nutmeg . Keep it aside and let it cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the courgettes . After washing them and removing the ends, cut them into rather small pieces. Cook them in a pan with oil and chopped onion until they are tender. Finally season with salt and pepper .
Now that all the ingredients are ready, assemble the lasagna. Spread a layer of béchamel on the bottom of a baking dish suitable for cooking in the oven, cover with a layer of pasta and then begin to alternate the ingredients: béchamel, courgettes, salmon cut into strips and parmesan . Continue like this for three layers while on the last one leave only the bechamel and parmesan.
Cook at 180°C for 40 minutes then leave to cool before serving.
Here is a video with all the steps to make them. If you want, you can also speed up the preparation by mixing the béchamel sauce and the courgettes and making everything more delicious with some cubes of cheese.
Another rich first course that is easy to prepare is lasagna with fresh salmon and courgettes. In this case you will have to cut 300 g of salmon steaks , fresh or defrosted, into cubes and cook it in a pan together with the courgettes. The preparation is then similar to the previous one. Alternatively, we recommend you try the spring version of the dish, the asparagus and salmon lasagne .
Lasagna keeps well for a couple of days in the refrigerator . When ready to eat them, you can reheat them either in a pan or in the oven.
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