
Soft yogurt donut

Do you want to prepare light desserts for breakfast? Here is the recipe for the yogurt donut without eggs and butter.

Are you looking for a light but at the same time delicious cake ? The soft yogurt donut recipe is just what you need. The basic dough is prepared with yogurt, flour, sugar, vanillin, yeast and salt: it is a cake without eggs and butter, which everyone can customize as they wish. Furthermore, to simplify things, we will use the yogurt cup as a measuring cup : easier than that.

Whether you call it a very soft donut or a yogurt donut doesn't change: it's always a delicious dessert, to be served with a sprinkling of icing sugar and a smile. Ready to get started? Let's see together the recipe for the yogurt donut.

White yogurt –


Yogurt donut


To prepare the soft donut, start by combining the yogurt and seed oil in a bowl and mix quickly with a whisk.


Then add the sugar and then the flour sifted with the yeast and vanilla . Also add a pinch of salt to enhance the sweetness of the cake.


Brush the donut mold with a little oil and then cover it with flour, eliminating any excess.


Pour the mixture and cook in the oven at 180°C for 40 minutes . Before taking it out of the oven, proceed as always with the toothpick test .


Once cold, remove the donut from the mold, transfer it to a serving plate and decorate as desired with a sprinkling of icing sugar .

If you liked this recipe you can also try your hand at preparing the yogurt donut with the Thermomix .

Yogurt donut: variations

If you don't have classic yogurt at home, you can easily make the donut with Greek yogurt and use the jar of the latter as a measuring cup . Since it is generally a little larger (230 g instead of 1250 g) the cake will be larger and cooking will take about 10 minutes longer, but the proportions remain unchanged.

You can replace the plain yogurt with a fruit yogurt according to your taste. It will give a light flavor to the cake, without making the calorie count go too high.

The basic recipe we have proposed is light, but to make it tastier you can enrich it with 200 g of dark chocolate chips or 200 g of toasted and coarsely chopped dried fruit . Add everything directly to the dough: the result will be super delicious! Or again, cut the cake without butter in half and fill it with Nutella or homemade jam .

Finally, if you don't have the appropriate donut mold , make a classic yogurt cake without butter: the shape will change… but not the substance!


Store it in a cool, dry place for a maximum of 3-4 days and to prevent it from drying out, cover it with cling film.

Read also
The vegan seven jar cake is incredible (and without eggs or milk)

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