
Sole meunière

Pan-fried fillets of sole meunière: the original recipe for a second course that is easy to prepare and good to enjoy with the family.

Today we are preparing a simple second fish dish: sole meunière, a recipe that even the little ones will like. This preparation is very well known, however not everyone knows what it means to cook fish meunière. The term derives from the French " à la meunière " which indicates a widespread cooking method especially for white fish: first they are floured and browned in butter , then they are seasoned with lemon juice and chopped parsley .

In short, this is certainly one of the most refined and tasty ways to cook fish and is a perfect recipe for a quick family dinner. Let's see the ingredients to make the dish!

Sole meunière

How to cook sole meunière in a pan

  1. To begin with, make sure you have washed and cleaned the fish to perfection , then let it dry.
  2. Skin the fish and cut out the sole fillets (if you are not handy, you can also buy the fillets directly).
  3. Take your sole fillets and immerse them completely in milk for about 10 minutes. Then, immediately bread them in 00 flour .
  4. Heat a pan and melt the butter, once completely melted (but not burnt), place your fillets inside, cooking them for about 5 minutes on each side . When a golden crust forms on the surface, the fish is ready. A tip: cook completely first one side and then the other, trying to turn the fillets only once. This way not only will the crust remain intact, but you will avoid breaking the fish by turning it!
  5. A few minutes after cooking, add the lemon juice and also the chopped parsley .
  6. Once ready, season with salt and pepper and serve the fish immediately while it is still hot.
  7. Your sole meunière fillets are ready! You can accompany the dish with a fresh salad or baked potatoes.

And here is a video recipe without soaking in milk (which is not essential):

Tips and mistakes to avoid

– For our recipe we used fresh fish but you can also use frozen fish . Let it thaw in the fridge and then dry it well before proceeding with the preparation.

– Marinating in milk is typical of French frying and is especially useful for larger fish: in this way the meat will soften and will be more golden when cooked. If you wish, you can also omit it and simply dip the fillets in milk before breading them .

– Not everyone knows that salting the fish before flouring it is a big mistake : the salt would release liquids and the breading would not remain attached evenly.

– Finally, let's talk about butter! In the recipe for sole meunière it is important not to let it burn in the pan and for this purpose you can directly use clarified butter , which has a higher smoke point.


Sole meunière is a very simple recipe. If you have any left over, store it in the fridge in a container for a day, maximum two.

If you liked our sole meunière recipe, then you absolutely must try this other delicious dish: orange sole !

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