Soup in the bag

Typical of Romagna but also widespread in the nearby Marche, soup in the bag is a hot and invigorating first course.
Known both as soup in the bag and in the bag, this unusual first course doesn't just have the name. The preparation is also particular and similar, in some respects, to another traditional Italian dish that we have already told you about in the past: imperial soup .
In this soup, the bag mentioned is the white linen one that was once used to cook a mixture made from eggs, butter, flour and grated parmesan. Once firmed, it was cut into cubes and served with the broth in which it had been cooked.
The procedure for making this particular "pasta" is always the same while for the broth there are those who today prefer to opt for the vegetable one . We will leave you instructions to proceed in both ways.

Soup in the bag
First prepare the dough by mixing the eggs , parmesan , flour, butter at room temperature cut into cubes and a grating of nutmeg in a bowl. As soon as it takes consistency, work it on the pastry board for a few minutes, just long enough to make it compact and homogeneous.
Form a rectangle 3-4 cm thick, wrap it in a sheet of baking paper and tie it with kitchen string so that it does not open during cooking.
Prepare the vegetable broth by placing the peeled vegetables in a pan filled with water. Transfer to the heat and bring to the boil, then place the packet and continue cooking for 40 minutes .
Collect the package and let it cool. Remove the baking paper and cut it into 1cm cubes.
Filter the broth , put it back in the pot and add the cubes. Leave for 5 minutes then distribute on plates and serve.
Here is a video of a recipe similar to ours with all the steps. If you want, you can also flavor the dough with grated lemon zest to give the dish a note of freshness.
As mentioned, the pasta in the bag can also be cooked in meat broth. If you prepare it from scratch with our recipe you can also cook your package together (it doesn't matter if it stays in the liquid for longer, that's how it used to be done). If you use leftover broth, filter it and cook the mixture for 40 minutes, proceeding as per the recipe. Clearly, green light in both cases (vegetable and meat) to stock cubes . A shortcut which, however, will force you to give up at least part of the genuine taste of the dish.
We recommend storing the cubes and broth separately in the refrigerator. The former can be kept for a maximum of one day closed in an airtight container, the broth can be stored for up to 3 days or frozen.
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