Spaghetti del poverello to lick your lips

Spaghetti del poverello is a quick first course to prepare that takes place during the cooking time of the pasta, but it is really rich in taste!
Spaghetti del poverello is a typical dish of traditional Neapolitan cuisine. The history of spaghetti del poverello or alla poverello, if you prefer, dates back to post-war times when you had to get by with little. At that time, in fact, in the city it was difficult to find many ingredients or they had prohibitive costs, for this reason families who had little economic possibilities had to feed themselves with what little they had available. Poor spaghetti are born in this particular historical period.
This traditional recipe is useful to make when you have few ingredients in the house and the pantry is almost empty or when you have the minutes for lunch or dinner. This recipe with egg, thanks to its goodness will be able to satisfy everyone’s tastes , even the most demanding palates. The original recipe called for the eggs to be fried in lard, if you prefer you can do it this way but the dish will be a bit heavy. If you want to make spaghetti del poverello lighter , instead, use extra virgin olive oil. So let’s see how to prepare this quick and easy recipe in a few simple steps.

Preparation of the recipe for spaghetti del poverello
- The first thing to do is to fill a pot with plenty of water, cover it with a lid and put it to boil , raising the flame to the maximum.
- As soon as the water has boiled, add salt and drop the spaghetti to cook.
- While the spaghetti are cooking, dedicate yourself to preparing the sauce. Equip yourself with a large enough pan to cook the eggs and heat at least 5 or 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Abundant with oil as it will be the condiment of your dish.
- Break the eggs and cook them for a few minutes. The egg white must be cooked , but the yolk must remain soft. Season with salt and pepper.
- With the help of a spatula separate the eggs and arrange them on a tray or plate without overlapping them.
- Drain the spaghetti al dente and throw them directly into the pan with the oil. Add a little cooking water and grated cheese. Mix and impact.
- On each plate arrange an egg . Before enjoying them with a fork, break the yolk so that it blends with the spaghetti and enjoy!
Spaghetti del poverello are excellent to taste at the moment, but if you have leftover you can keep them in an airtight container placed in the refrigerator for 1 day .
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