
Stew with peas

Few ingredients and some secrets: here's how to obtain a perfect, tender and tasty stew with peas.

The stew is perhaps one of the most famous dishes of our tradition . It can be prepared in any way and with any type of meat and the result is always excellent. Today we discover how to prepare stew with peas, a simple recipe which however must be prepared to perfection to ensure that the meat remains tender.

As with all classic recipes, even in this case there is no single way. There are those who make it white and those with tomato, those who use beef, those who use veal or even pork. The peas can be fresh or frozen (we do not recommend canned ones). So here's how we cook it and some simple variations.

Pea stew

How to prepare the stew with peas recipe

  1. First, flour your morsels well , removing any excess flour.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan and brown the meat on all sides, to seal it. Then add the white wine and, when you no longer smell alcohol, add the finely sliced ​​onions and peas.
  3. Add the broth, season with salt and pepper and leave to cook for at least an hour with the lid on over low heat, taking care that it does not dry out too much (in which case we recommend adding more broth). Serve hot with a side dish of your choice, the classic mashed potatoes are excellent.

As for peas , our advice is to use them fresh or, at most, frozen.

The variant with tomato

To prepare the stew with peas and tomato sauce you can add 1 tablespoon of double tomato paste together with the broth or 1 glass of tomato puree immediately after browning the meat, together with peas and onions.


The stew with peas will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator , closed in an airtight container. You can reheat it in a pan before consuming it.

Read also
How to make veal stew

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