
Stewed peas in tomato sauce

We prepare excellent stewed peas, easy and genuine to serve as a side dish for a variety of dishes.

Preparing stewed peas is not complicated and requires very little care. It is a genuine and nutritious side dish , all based on natural ingredients. Stewed peas have a truly particular and irresistible flavour.

As good as you've ever tasted them, peas cooked in this way go well with a variety of second courses, both meat and fish based. All you have to do is cook the peas together with the tomato puree; add the vegetable broth and a few other vegetables, to give a rustic touch to your dish. With quick cooking, the side dish is served!

Stewed peas

Preparing the recipe for stewed peas

  1. On the bottom of a non-stick pan , pour a drizzle of oil and heat over a low heat.
  2. In the meantime, chop the onion and celery with a knife.
  3. Add these two ingredients to the oil and sauté for a couple of minutes.
  4. Once done, you can add the peas to the pan and cook for another 2 minutes .
  5. At this point, pour in the tomato puree and mix; cover with the vegetable broth, season with a little salt and mix again.
  6. Leave to cook for about 25 minutes over low heat; remember, during this time, to mix the contents of the pan from time to time.
  7. When the broth appears dry and the sauce homogenous, you can turn it off.
  8. Let it cool and serve your side dish.


Stewed peas with tomato are a good side dish with meat-based dishes, but also fish-based ones such as the delicious cuttlefish. If you have leftovers, you can store them in the fridge for a maximum of 2 days .

Read also
Pan-fried peas: a classic side dish and good for any occasion!

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