
Student pasta

Let's prepare the student's pasta, a creamy and quick first course, with few ingredients.

If you have little time available, but can't give up lunch, student pasta is for you. It is a very simple and quick recipe and, to make it, you can use any type of pasta: penne, mezze sleeves but also fresh pasta are suitable. The list of ingredients is very short and includes common and easily available products. To create a creamy sauce, all you need to do is mix the tomato paste with the cream . Season the pasta and you can serve a creamy and tasty first course, which always pleases everyone.

Student pasta

Preparing the student's pasta recipe

  1. To begin, take a pan with a non-stick bottom and pour a drizzle of oil.
  2. Place on the stove and fry the chopped onion until golden.
  3. At this point, you can pour in the tomato paste; then, add the cream.
  4. Season with salt and oregano, leaving to cook over moderate heat for a few minutes .
  5. Fill a pan with salted water and bring it to the boil; at this point, immerse the pasta and cook it for the expected time.
  6. Once finished, drain it, keeping aside a ladle of cooking water .
  7. Add the pasta to the pan containing the sauce.
  8. Cover with the grated cheese and cooking water.
  9. Stir for less than a minute and you can serve.
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Student coffee: photos and videos to prepare it… but be careful!


Student pasta is a quick and easy idea for serving a tasty first course with little effort. The best advice is to consume it at the moment .

Pasta with agretti and anchovies is also quick and easy.

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