The recipe for pasta with asparagus, a wonderful first course
Pasta with asparagus is a delicious dish, perfect to offer on any occasion and very quick to make: let's see how to prepare it right away!
Today we are going to discover the recipe for pasta with asparagus. If you love these vegetables, then you're in the right place, because there is no better way to enhance their flavor than with this delicious first course. There are many ways to prepare this recipe, but today we offer you a simple , natural and fantastic one, which everyone will like. But don't worry, in the end we'll also give you some advice for a really tasty variant.
We will cook the asparagus in a pan starting with the stems and then we will blend part of it to obtain a creamier first course. Then, we will also cook the tips and at the end the pasta and asparagus should be sautéed in a pan so that the flavors blend well.
Let's start right away and get to work preparing the pasta with asparagus: ready , go !

How to cook pasta with asparagus
- First, take care of cleaning the asparagus. Wash them under running water and with the help of a vegetable peeler remove the external parts that are too hard, and if necessary, the bottom of each asparagus. If you have taken large asparagus, steam them for about 7-8 minutes or boil them for 5 minutes, if instead you use thin asparagus such as asparagine or wild asparagus, just cut the stem finely and cook immediately in a pan with a ladle of water hot.
- In the meantime, put the water on where you will then cook the pasta.
- Let's go in a pan , with a clove of garlic, half a finely chopped white onion and extra virgin olive oil. Fry everything well and then it will be the turn of the asparagus: start cooking the stems , which you can cut into small pieces or into slices for quick cooking and a delicious result , and add a ladle of hot water taken from the pot for pasta.
- Once ready (it will take about 15 minutes), blend a small part together with a drizzle of oil, grated cheese and a little hot water.
- Now put the tips in the pan: sauté them making them crunchy.
- Drop the pasta after having salted the water and wait for it to be cooked .
- And now comes the secret to binding the sauce to the asparagus: the cooking water. Drain it in the pan, add a drizzle of oil and a ladle of water and sauté with all the asparagus (tips, slices and cream).
- Once done, remove the garlic and season with salt, pepper and a sprinkling of grated cheese. The pasta is ready, enjoy your meal !
Other ways to make asparagus sauce
There are never strict rules for a perfect sauce, especially when it comes to savory dishes. In fact, you can also decide, according to your taste, not to blend the asparagus and use only the cooking water to make the sauce creamy.
Alternatively, you can make a more rustic and home-made sauce: throw a drizzle of oil, the garlic and the onion, chopped as finely as possible, into the pan. Once it has dried and become almost a cream, add the stems and 1-2 ladles of hot water . Cook for about 10-15 minutes and then mash the stems a little with a fork so that a coarse cream is formed. Only at the end add the tips and let them soften (if you have boiled the vegetables you should cook the tips separately with a knob of butter so that they do not fall apart and become crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside).
Finally, you can enrich your pasta with green asparagus with many additions that go very well with this vegetable: we will shortly explain how to prepare pasta with bacon, but you can also prepare it with speck and sausage if you want to play with contrasts , or with saffron and/or prawns to remain delicate flavors that go very well together. Don't overdo it with the saffron, read the instructions on the sachet carefully regarding the doses, while for the other condiments you can choose the quantity to add as you like: you will only have to brown them first in a pan and then add them to the asparagus.
Asparagus and bacon pasta, the tasty variant

If you don't have vegetarian diners, we also suggest trying pasta with asparagus and pancetta : a winning combination and also perfect for dressing egg pasta. Also in this case we prepare it without cream , so as to keep the recipe lighter.
- In a pan, put 50 g of diced bacon to brown while cooking the pasta in plenty of salted water.
- Cook the asparagus stems and blend them and the tips.
- Drain the pasta and sauté it for a few moments in the pan with bacon and asparagus to mix the flavors ! Don't forget to add a little cooking water for a creamy result.
If you want to try another delicious dish , here are all our asparagus recipes for you!
We recommend consuming this first course with asparagus at the moment , in whichever version you decide to prepare it. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.
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