
Thirty turnips: a rustic dish with guaranteed success!

Trentino-style turnips are a dish that is as simple to prepare as it is delicious: discover the typical recipe now.

Preparing turnips alla trentina is really simple and this too, like many of the typical recipes, has its origins in the peasant tradition. The dish based on turnips and bacon, which can also be replaced by lard, is excellent as a side dish or second course.

Do not be misled by reading the title of this recipe: in this dish, in fact, you must not use the turnip greens used in the preparation of delicious first courses mainly in Southern cuisine and not even the red turnips, but the white turnips .

The white turnip is widely used in the cuisine of our country and is nothing more than the root of the herbaceous plant whose tips are the turnip tops already mentioned. The pulp tends to have a sweetish taste and for this reason it goes well with more savory ingredients such as bacon. What do you think? Are you ready to get to work yet?

thirty turnips

Preparation of white turnip Trentino style

  1. First, peel the turnips, wash them under cold running water, cut them into pieces of the same size so as not to have problems during cooking. Cut the bacon into strips or cubes.
  2. Put a non-stick saucepan with low sides on the heat, let it heat up then add the bacon and the olive oil. When the pancetta is golden brown, add the already cleaned turnips.
  3. Stir quickly, cover with water and season with salt, pepper and about a teaspoon of sugar. Close the lid and cook for about 40 minutes to allow the liquid to dry.
  4. When cooked, turn off the heat and serve immediately. Enjoy your meal!

Another recipe not to be missed is that of pan-fried red turnips , delicious!

Read also
Pan-sautéed red turnips, simple and nutritious!


We recommend keeping this simple and quick side dish for a maximum of 2-3 days in the fridge , inside a special container with a lid. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.

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