Types of lips: each shape corresponds to a personality
How many types of lips are there? Generally there are nine, although some say there are more. Let's find them all.
At heart, fleshy or thin : there are many types of lips and each one has a different personality. The mouth, as long as it is cared for, can indicate several sides of the subject that 'flaunts it'. Let's see the meaning of the various forms and find out if these 'predictions' have a foundation of truth.
Types of lips: what are they?
The lips, a bit like the hands, represent a real business card. Getting to know a person who has cared little for them will help make the first impact more or less pleasant. There are many types of lips, but basically we can distinguish nine different shapes : thin, fleshy, wide, with the accentuated cupid's bow, heart, downwards, with the upper lip more voluminous, with the lower lip larger and with the very full round shape.
The shape of the lips, according to some experts in the field, can tell a lot about the character of the person, as well as the emotions he experiences at a given moment. When you are sad or angry, as well as happy or in love, the mouth takes on different expressions. She will appear rather sulky or downward in the first case and upturned and as a smile in the second.
Emotional states aside, the shape of the lips denotes some character traits that may correspond to the reality of the facts. To heart , for example, they indicate emotional and charismatic personalities, who love life and love to have the spotlight on them. If, on the other hand, it is only the lower lip that is voluminous, we are in the presence of a real party girl. He hates routine and static jobs, he must always be on the move and constantly meet new people.
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Types of mouth: different personalities in every shape
Plump lips have a pretty sweet meaning. Contrary to popular belief, those with such a form are extremely unselfish and kind. They would do anything to help a person or animal in distress, even to the detriment of their own interests. What to think, however, in front of subjects with thin lower lips? They are lonely and shy, but willing to open up to those who can win their trust.
A mouth with an accentuated Cupid's bow denotes a creative person, perhaps a very talented artist, while very full lips in the center are synonymous with very playful people. If the form is downwards we are in front of an empathic subject and ready to listen to anyone. Completely different personality for thin mouths, which indicate self-sufficiency and need for solitude. Finally, wide lips are synonymous with independence and, at the same time, sociability. After seeing all types of lips, the question arises: did you recognize yourself in your respective personalities?
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