
Vesuvian pasta

Vesuvian pasta

If you are looking for a quick first course, Vesuvian pasta is the recipe for you. Get ready for an explosion of flavors!

Already from the name we can understand the origins of this Mediterranean first course and what its main characteristic is. In fact, Vesuvian pasta originates from the city of Naples , located at the foot of the dormant volcano and is a quick and easy recipe that is worth keeping in mind. Preparing it is really simple and just a handful of ingredients typical of Italian cuisine are enough.

If you really want to make this spicy first course in the traditional way then you will have to get Piennolo cherry tomatoes , a particular variety that grows right at the foot of the volcano. Conversely, use quality peeled tomatoes: the result will still be excellent.

Vesuvian pasta

How to prepare the Vesuvian pasta recipe

  1. First, cook the pasta in plenty of salted water for the time indicated on the package.
  2. In the meantime, in a separate pan, heat the oil and brown the thinly sliced ​​onion and the chopped chilli. Once tender, add the peeled tomatoes crushed with a fork, the olives cut into slices, the desalted capers and a pinch of salt. Let it cook for about ten minutes .
  3. Once the sauce is ready , add the mozzarella cut into cubes and leave to drain for the entire preparation time of the sauce. Mix well and let dissolve.
  4. Drain the pasta, add it to the sauce and flavor everything with fresh oregano. Stir in a ladle of cooking water until creamy, then serve.

You can also decide to prepare the dish in advance and transform it into baked Vesuvian pasta. In this case we advise you to follow the recipe but choose a short pasta shape such as fusilli or penne. Once all the ingredients have been mixed, pour it into a baking dish suitable for cooking in the oven and heat it to 200°C for 10 minutes , just long enough for a nice crust to form. Serve it hot.

If you liked this quick first course, we recommend you also try the legendary Scarperiello pasta , also of Neapolitan origins.


This pasta can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, well covered in cling film. You can heat it in a pan, in the oven or in the microwave before consuming it.

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