
Well hydrated skin? Yogurt is perfect for face and body

For well hydrated skin, yogurt is the ideal ingredient. Let's find out how to use it to get the best results.

When it comes to hydration, how you take care of your skin is very important. For example, it may be useful to avoid washing with water that is too hot or to protect oneself in the right way from the elements. Having said that, a good contribution can be made by the use of products capable of giving the right hydration to the skin.
One of the most natural and simple to use is Greek yogurt (even the more classic one is fine) which thanks to its beneficial properties is able to give the skin everything it needs to be at its best. So let's find out some natural remedies based on yogurt and more useful than ever for the skin.

How to use yogurt to moisturize the skin

Among the many natural ingredients that can be used to give more hydration to the skin is yogurt. This is obviously to be chosen white and without sugar and goes well both alone and together with other ingredients. In fact, the combination with other products increases the benefits for the skin . And all giving life to scrubs or creams able to best hydrate both the skin of the body and that of the face.

homemade cream with yogurt

Yogurt as a face moisturizer

Whether it's on its own, with the addition of honey or a slice of mashed avocado, yogurt can be a really useful cream for the well-being of the skin.
By mixing the ingredients together, in fact, a soft cream is obtained which, when applied to the face, is able to give various benefits. Just keep it for about fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. The skin will immediately feel softer and more velvety.

Scrub of yogurt and fine salt for the whole body

Not everyone knows it but yogurt is also perfect for giving life to a body scrub.
To obtain it, simply mix it with fine salt and spread it on the skin of the whole body before entering the shower. Once this is done, just rinse thoroughly to obtain thoroughly cleansed and purified skin.

Yogurt, sugar and honey for body and face

A cream that is suitable for both the skin of the body and that of the face (which is usually more delicate) can be obtained by mixing yogurt, sugar and honey together.
These three ingredients give life to a light, sweet scrub capable of softening the skin and making it infinitely more hydrated and velvety. As always, just spread it on the skin, leave it to act for about ten minutes and rinse it off, perhaps under the shower.

Yogurt is a real panacea for the beauty and health of the skin. In addition to being simple to apply, it is also cheap and, of course, natural.
This involves the use of a beauty product which, except in special cases, does not cause allergies and which, among other things, is based on natural ingredients and which cannot harm the body in any way.

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