With cunzato bread your trips out of town will have a completely different flavour!

Preparing cunzato bread is really simple and in an instant you will have a tasty stuffed sandwich ready, perfect for trips out of town or quick lunches.
Cunzato bread is a typical Sicilian recipe , particularly from the Trapani area. But what does cunzato mean? In Sicilian dialect it means seasoned , so pane cunzato is seasoned bread. If you have ever visited the island, you will have realized that there are many bakeries that offer this sandwich stuffed with typical local products such as tomato, primo sale, anchovies and oregano. As always, however, the origin of the recipe is anything but noble.
The history of cunzato bread in fact dates back to when it was prepared by housewives who had nothing to bring to the table. Tomatoes, cheese (the type of which varies according to the area) and oregano , on the other hand, were produced at home and were therefore always available. Only the luckiest could afford anchovies whose oil was abundantly flavored on the bread. Today there are different versions of this bread which include the addition of aubergines or dried tomatoes in oil, capers, olives and tuna. We offer you the basic recipe, confident that you will fall in love with it!

How to prepare cunzato bread with the original Sicilian recipe
- Cut the loaf of Sicilian bread in half lengthwise and season the two halves with plenty of oil.
- Then distribute the anchovy fillets chopped up with your hands on the base.
- Cover with the sliced ​​tomato, choosing one that is not too ripe and season it with dried oregano and a pinch of salt.
- Finally, add the first salt cut into thin slices and close. Some use other types of cheese such as Sicilian pecorino.
This is the original recipe for cunzato bread but no one is stopping you from experimenting and adding, for example, tuna in oil, olives or capers . The important thing is that the basic ingredients are always there. If, however, you are wondering how many calories cunzato bread has and whether it is really suitable for taking to the beach without risking congestion (we're joking, of course), you should know that in its simplest version it has around 250 calories per portion.
Did you like the cunzato bread recipe? Then we invite you to try another typical Sicilian one considered one of the street foods par excellence: bread and panelle .
You can keep the cunzato bread for about half a day : you will discover that the flavors will have blended further, giving you a truly amazing stuffed sandwich!
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