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Dry passatelli: have you ever tried them?

dry passatelli

There are several ways to prepare dry passatelli, including the recipe with parmesan cream and raw ham. Here are three delicious ideas.

Passatelli are a typical recipe from Emilia Romagna and are usually served in broth on the most important occasions. What not everyone knows is that dry passatelli are just as good. Clearly, since it is not the traditional recipe, there are many ways to bring them to the table based on the tastes of those who cook them (and those who savor them).

We will reveal how to cook passatelli and serve them dry, giving you some ideas that can satisfy different needs. The "main" version of dry passatelli involves the use of two typical ingredients of the region: Parmesan and raw ham , but we will also leave you with some ideas for dressing passatelli with a fish sauce and a vegetarian one.

dry passatelli
dry passatelli

How to prepare the dry passatelli recipe

  1. First prepare the passatelli in the traditional way. Combine the breadcrumbs, the Parmesan and the eggs in a bowl and flavor everything with a grated nutmeg and the grated lemon peel. Also season with a pinch of salt. Mix everything well to obtain a compact and homogeneous mixture.
  2. Let the dough rest for 2 hours.
  3. Then pass it through the appropriate utensil or use a potato masher with large holes and give life to the passatelli which must be 5 cm long. As they are ready, spread them out on a clean tea towel . Let them rest for another 30 minutes.
  4. Just before cooking the passatelli, prepare the sauce. Cut the raw ham into strips and sauté it in a pan with a knob of butter for a few minutes.
  5. Separately, prepare the Parmesan fondue . Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan and melt the Parmesan, stirring with a whisk. Season everything with a pinch of pepper and keep warm.
  6. Boil the passatelli in boiling salted water together with the spinach and as soon as they float to the surface transfer them to the pan with the raw ham, using a slotted spoon.
  7. Sauté everything over high heat for a minute then compose the dish: pour a quarter of the Parmesan cream on the bottom, then distribute the passatelli and serve.

How to season dry passatelli: variations

The dry passatelli with parmesan cream are irresistible to say the least. For a vegetarian version of the dish, we recommend replacing the raw ham with walnut kernels . In this case, sauté the passatelli in melted butter, place them on the Parmesan fondue and complete with the walnuts. Keep in mind that the Parmesan cream can also be replaced with a taleggio fondue or other cheeses of your choice (gorgonzola is excellent).

For dry passatelli with fish sauce instead, prepare an excellent seafood sauce and sauté them for a couple of minutes before serving, you will feel what a delight.


Dry passatelli, once seasoned, must be consumed as they do not lend themselves to being preserved. Before cooking, however, they are kept in the refrigerator, well covered in plastic wrap, for a couple of days.

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