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Risotto with agretti

risotto with agretti

Have you ever tried risotto with agretti and lemon? Here is the step-by-step preparation, the ingredients and the recipe for a seasonal first course.

A delicious first course, perfect to serve for a family lunch or dinner: it is the risotto with agretti and lemon. Agretti are a typical vegetable of that season between winter and spring used especially in the central-southern regions.

You can use them not only in the preparation of tasty first courses, as in this case, but they lend themselves to many other recipes. With their slightly sour flavor (hence the name) they are perfect for giving dishes a particular flavour. Let's see all the steps to make this risotto.



Risotto with agretti


First clean the agretti by removing the roots, the red part and any damaged stems then rinse them under cold water. Boil them in a pan of lightly salted water for 10 minutes . Once cooked, drain the agretti without throwing away their water.


Continue by peeling the onion , chop it finely and brown it in a saucepan with a drizzle of olive oil .


Add the rice and let it shear for a minute, then gradually add the cooking water from the agretti. Continue cooking as for a classic risotto, adding the hot liquid when necessary. It will take 16-18 minutes .


About 2 minutes before the end of cooking, chop the agretti with a knife and add them to the risotto.


Off the heat, stir in the butter and parmesan and flavor with the grated lemon zest.

We have proposed the simplest version of this dish but there is an equally simple version which is obtained by adding a sachet of saffron to the risotto. The contrast between the green gegli agretti and that of the precious spice allows you to bring a simple but refined first course to the table. Do you love these spring vegetables? Alternatively, you can prepare the agretti flan .


This risotto can be stored in the refrigerator and in an airtight container for 2-3 days .

Read also
What are agretti and how to best cook them

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