
Argyria: all about the disease that causes the skin to turn blue/grey

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Argyria is a rare disease that involves a change in the natural color of the skin: let's look at causes, symptoms and treatment.

Have you ever seen a person with blue/grey skin? If the answer is affirmative, most likely you have found yourself in front of a subject suffering from argyria . It is a rare pathology, which involves a change in the normal color of the epidermis. Let's look at the causes, symptoms and treatment.

What is argyria: causes and symptoms

A rare disease, argyria causes a gray-blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. This change in the natural color of the epidermis can occur in a generalized form or on some parts of the body. The cause of the pathology is to be linked to a continuous or excessive exposure/intake of silver or its compounds. To date, neither the exact quantities nor the concentrations of silver that lead to the development of argyria are well known.

Some patients, for example, claim to have contracted the disease after using colloidal silver internally or externally, for periods ranging from 8 months to 5 years. In any case, it is certain that the intake of metal over time or in large doses causes it to deposit in the epidermis and mucous membranes. When you stop or reduce the dosage, the skin takes on a grayish-blue color. In severe cases, it can penetrate tissues and organs , affecting, for example, the spleen, liver, kidneys, central nervous system tissues and bone marrow.

The main symptom, as anticipated, is the change in the normal color of the epidermis, which can be more or less intense. Generally, the first areas affected are the gums, the conjunctival membrane and the nails. Later, it can affect other areas of the body. In severe cases, the following can occur: visual disturbances, kidney problems, liver complications and neurological deficits. It should be emphasized that it is a serious disease that involves great psychological discomfort , which could lead to depression or other mental disorders.

Argyria: diagnosis and treatment

Argyria is diagnosed by a doctor after a biopsy of affected areas of the body . In addition, blood and urine tests may also be done. Obviously, in the face of a positive diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately stop taking silver. To date, unfortunately, there is no cure that can bring the epidermis back to its natural color.

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