
Asthma, here are the things to pay attention to at home: from pellet stoves to candles

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What should you pay close attention to when you have asthma? Let's see the advice of the experts: from pellet stoves to candles.

Those who suffer from asthma must pay attention to several aspects of daily life so that the respiratory system does not act up. From mites to air pollution, via pellet stoves: let's see what the experts recommend.

Asthma: what should sufferers pay attention to?

Asthma is a rather widespread respiratory disease, which persists over time and can recur in alternating periods. It usually causes wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. It is a pathology that affects both adults and children, which can intensify due to genetic and environmental factors. It should be emphasized that nowadays asthma is no longer a serious disease, or rather it can easily be kept under control with pharmacological therapies and paying attention to some aspects of daily life.

Asthma sufferers should stay away from dust mites , plant pollen, mold and animal dander. Smoking, whether active or passive, should be banned, but certain climatic conditions should also be avoided, primarily fog and particularly humid places. Another factor that can aggravate asthma is air pollution . Therefore, it is good to keep away as much as possible from anything that can lead to a worsening of the disease. Also beware of frequent use of candles because they can release irritating fumes.

Asthma and pellet stoves: maximum attention should be paid

In a house that hosts an asthmatic person , air exchange is essential. Even when temperatures are low, rooms need to be ventilated. The presence of mites and allergens, in fact, can " damage the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, irritating the mucous membranes and making them more susceptible to viruses and bacteria ". As for pellet stoves , however, the president of the Italian Society of Allergology, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (Siaaic), Gianenrico Senna, has sounded an alarm.

If the stoves are very old and the waste products are not certified, the fumes from pellets are among the worst pollutants around. In fact, pellet stoves are a source of combustion which alone contributes to the emission of half of the fine particles deriving from the domestic combustion of woody biomass ,” he declared. Therefore, it is recommended " to use systems that are not too dated and to avoid uncertified waste products, especially pellet cylinders larger than 7-8 millimeters obtained with too much sawdust and also with too many additives and chemicals ".

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