
Autoimmune skin diseases: from Lichen to Psoriasis, passing through Vasculitis

skin examination

What are autoimmune skin diseases? From lichen to psoriasis, passing through localized scleroderma: let's discover them all.

Autoimmune skin diseases, just like those affecting other parts of the body, can affect both men and women . From the first manifestation, however, they can be treated and kept under control. Therefore, they allow you to lead a very normal life. Let's see the list of these pathologies.

What are autoimmune skin diseases?

Autoimmune skin diseases can manifest themselves differently. Patients may experience various symptoms , some clearly visible and some less so, such as: blisters, spots with scales, lesions, skin rashes and generalized tiredness. As happens in other autoimmune diseases , even when they affect the epidermis it means that the immune system, due to an incorrect reaction, attacks and destroys the healthy tissues of the body because it recognizes them as foreign. Below is a list of the most common autoimmune diseases of the epidermis:

Autoimmune skin diseases, be it lichen or otherwise, cannot be eliminated. The doctor, however, can suggest a treatment that helps keep the disease under control and allows you to have an absolutely normal life.

How to treat autoimmune skin diseases?

The treatment of autoimmune diseases of the epidermis varies according to the type. As already pointed out, one cannot speak of a complete recovery, but of a cure that helps manage exacerbations. There is good news, however: generally, these autoimmune diseases give clearly visible symptoms. Therefore, it is impossible not to notice them and can be treated from the very first manifestation. By blocking them in the bud, therefore, they will be less disabling, at least on an emotional / social level.

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