
Avocado Gazpacho: Simple, fresh and tasty

avocado gazpacho

The avocado gazpacho is a very fast recipe that gives great satisfaction. Let's find out how to do it easily.

Preparing an avocado gazpacho means choosing to offer your loved ones or eventual guests something fresh and original . A nice way to create a quick meal that will satisfy everyone. This happens in particular for the ease with which gazpacho can be combined with ingredients such as smoked salmon , shrimp or even just croutons.

So let's find out how to get an excellent green avocado gazpacho.

avocado gazpacho

Preparation of the avocado gazpacho recipe

  1. Start by taking the avocado, peeling it and cutting it into small cubes.
  2. Place it in a bowl and sprinkle it with lemon juice to keep it in its color and prevent it from oxidizing.
  3. Wash and peel the cucumbers, also cutting them into cubes.
  4. Clean and cut the garlic and shallot into small pieces.
  5. Take a blender and mix together both the avocado and the cucumbers, adding a teaspoon of vinegar, garlic and shallot to the whole.
  6. Chop everything until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream and, if needed, add a little cold water to keep it more fluid.
  7. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  8. After the time has elapsed, the avocado and cucumber gazpacho is ready to be served either in a bowl or in low, wide glasses. Even better if flavored with pepper and a drizzle of oil (which is best added just before serving) and accompanied by croutons or other foods to accompany it.

Tasty variations of avocado gazpacho

This type of gazpacho lends itself to various variations. One of the most delicious is that of avocado and tomato gazpacho. To make it just add a tomato without seeds, and possibly peeled, in the mixer. Blend everything according to the recipe and you will get a completely different flavor.

To get something even fresher there is instead the avocado, cucumber and coconut milk gazpacho. Again, the basic ingredients remain the same. The coconut milk will be added after mixing them together. In fact, it is enough to add 200 ml of it without ever stopping stirring and continue as per the recipe, placing everything in the fridge for at least half an hour .


Gazpacho was created to be consumed in a short time. However, if well stored in an airtight container it can be kept for 1 or 2 days in the fridge.

If you liked this recipe, try the zucchini gazpacho one too!

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